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assist in the localization of the game

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Hello all.

Please forgive me for bad language.

I bought this wonderful game in the steam. But English is not my mother, and as I understand the localization of the game into other languages ​​will not be.

I wanted to try to translate the game (in Russian), but I do not understand where the files of quests, and the characteristics of objects. (I assume "Scripts" 2.54 mb or AScenData 11.1 mb). If game developers will respond and help with the extraction of text that I and many Russian-speaking players will be very grateful.

Please forgive me again for the bad English, I used Google translator

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  • 1 year later...

Wow, this topic is old.

Is there any official answer for localization problem?

As I see Avernum:EFTP packs all the descriptions/texts to one big file (except the menu options, which are an images).

Could the next Avernum have easier-to-access,human readable text files?

I do not know what's Jeff opinion about unofficial translations, I'm just asking.

My country has a quite active fan-translating community, so this option would certainly widen the audience a bit. Then again, this game would require a lot of effort to translate, since there is so much text. (On the other hand, some guys made a complete unofficial translation of Planescape: Torment.)

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No for localization, Jeff Vogel doesn't have time or resources to do localised versions.

Looks like the message didn't went through.

Problem: some of the game text is buried in AScenData.dat (at least in the Windows version).

Can all the game text be put to separate files in next Avernums?

This should not be too hard to do, and it would make fan-translations easier.

My second question: does Jeff Vogel sanction fan-translations? (I see he is quite forgiving about modding.)

I hope this clears things up a bit. :)

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if all texts would be possible to put in text-file he might have done that already. send email directly to him (email is on main page) and ask.


no idea if he is against fan-translations since at least no translations have posted to sw-forums. same thing as above, send email and ask.


he rarely checks forums so best way to contact is email.

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