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A6 - Sample damage calculations

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Would someone please be able to teach me how to calculate minimum-average-maximum damage outputs for the following weapon sets?


10 STR, 10 DEX, 10 MEL, 10 DW


1. Blessed Broadsword 12-36, Radiant Shortblade (DW) 16-32

2. Radiant Shortblade 16-32, Frozen Blade (DW) 11-33

3. Frozen Blade 11-33, Radiant Shortblade (DW) 16-32


After ranking the above sets by damage, would their ranks change if any other skills are added?

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As far as I know, wielding a weapon in your primary hand or you secondary hand has no impact on damage. The only impact is whether you wield two weapons, or just one, and that is largely negated with 10 DW.


All your setups will do almost identical damage (not counting item bonuses from the Radiant Shortblade) -- the first one will just do an average of 2 additional damage for the BB over the FB.

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