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A6 - Quick Keys for mini-map and party Roster?


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I really like how the mini-map and the party roster can be collapsed and moved around the screen. Is this a new feature for A6?


Furthermore is there a quick-key for collapsing and opening those windows?


If there isn't I think there should be for future games. I like the atmosphere when all that clutter is off the screen. But opening them with the mouse is annoying, not to mention trying to open the mini-map window causes the whole screen to move.

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Originally Posted By: VCH
...opening them with the mouse is annoying, not to mention trying to open the mini-map window causes the whole screen to move.

This. I prefer the view without the mini-map, but I'm finding the process of opening and closing it very irritating, so I've been leaving it open.
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On a widescreen monitor collapsing those windows makes the world seem more real. When I'm traveling around Avernum there's really no need for the party roster and it just covers up cave space. But opening and closing them is too difficult. I generally leave the mini-map closed and party roster open, unless I'm traveling.



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