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New 'Classic Blades of Exile', (glitch?)


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I'm at a loggerhead with the Zarmond's Hut section of ATG, so I reverted back to Spy's Quest and I ran into what appears to be a graphics problem. It doesn't appear to affect the game in any way; it's just a 'bug(?)'.


Outdoor Section 6, 1 in the 'Icy Mountains'. This is the first time I noticed this, but when going into the 'Combat Mode' the background graphic went all white, as did the 'Auto-Map'. The window that changes from the Player Status to the Battle Scene seems intact, but this happened at each of the three battles encountered in the tunnel leading to the Cave Entrance.


Again, I don't know if it has something to do with the new Program, or the Scenario, but it's the first time I've ever encountered this and just wanted to pass it along in case anyone else has experinced it.


Thanks for being here,


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(Un)fortunately i haven't been able to reproduce this behavior (assuming you're speaking of the ice lizards/drakes/golems battles). For information, I used the Spy's Quest scenario from the link at the top of the board.


If you're speaking of the tiled background ("marble" and so on ...) becoming pure white, then it's indeed a bug (that i've never encountered though). Checking your mixed.bmp or mixed_d.bmp file may be a possible solution (if you can display it without any problem then it should be ok).


It would be nice if you could precise in what display mode you were (obviously in full screen, but what window position), what kind of graphic you used (bright window or dark mac) and whether the bug appears exclusively here or not.

Also, did you modify the scenario or are you playing the vanilla (original) one ? Do it always happen ? Are you able to reproduce it ?


It may be a computer-specific glitch (mixed bmp couldn't be read for a reason or another), but better make sure of that ...



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I can only humbly beg your forgiveness because it did not happen again.

I played the section through three times and everything worked as it should.

Although I've learned to live with the BSOD for the last few years, this was a new experience; it has never happened before and did not happen again.

As I stated originally, I was only posting this in case it happens to someone else.

For the record:

The area you describe is where it occured and it only happened at the three interior battles, not at the "Welcoming Committee".

The background screen, (looks like a bunch of purple Teepees in a blizzard), was completely white as was the Automap Screen.

Both the Active, (playing), Screen and the Status Screen were fine.

I was using the new Classic BoE, two MS Word Files and one MS Paint File on a Windows XP Professional OS.

Again, I'm sorry for bothering you, but I had never seen this before and just wanted to document it.



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Originally Posted By: Ahbleza
I can only humbly beg your forgiveness because it did not happen again.

Again, I'm sorry for bothering you, but I had never seen this before and just wanted to document it.

No problem, those kind of things happens everytime wink
And bug reports are always appreciated (after all, there could have been an old part of the code that was messing with the background part). smile

Originally Posted By: Ahbleza
I was using the new Classic BoE, two MS Word Files and one MS Paint File on a Windows XP Professional OS.

Maybe you somehow run out of memory (mixed.bmp incompletely loaded, for example when switching from windows to mac graphics or error reading the already loaded mixed.bmp. Or Windows not displaying it to preserve the small remaining amount of memory ...) or Paint was messing with the graphical part (mixed bmp loaded or whatever)...

If it ever happens again, report it and i'll check the corresponding part of the code (when i'll be able, though crazy).

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Because I'm having a problem with the Altar in the Shrine of Aquarius, (Spy's Quest), I went back a couple of saves to the re-enter this Quest in the hopes that doing so would resolve the problem.

From Imperius, I did the Pixie Quest, (paid them the bribe), and took the road north through the area where you fight the Undead.

In the ensuing battle, the Automap went blank, (white-out), when one of the Spirits cast a Summon Spell. Once that round of the battle was over, it returned to normal.

Later, in Arkran, during the battle in the open grounds, the same thing happened; the Automap went blank. I don't remember what NPC made what casting, but it was definitely when an NPC did so during a battle.

Later, when I was in the Town Hall and was battling 'War', the main 'bad guy', both the Automap and the background went blank, (again, white-out), when the NPC cast a spell but returned to normal once that round in the battle was over.

Again, this is only for reference purposes in case it's something within the new Program. Playing through it is not a problem, it just appears to be a 'bug'.



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