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How upate trilogy from Mac OS to OSX?

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I'm using a Mac Intel and have Avernum 1 to 3 for Mac OS. I installed them in an emulator and they seem run well from a quick try I did.


But is there any way to update them to the OSX version? I suppose I could install the demo and request a code but I feel it tedious when I have the CD. Is there any way to do the update?


Also I'm not sure that I have the last version of each but cannot find what was the last Mac OS version for each. Where find this information?

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Thanks for the info. That's not cool at all. At least Spiderweb should offer a rebate for the OSX trilogy for those who already bought the Mac OS versions.


For the savegame, that is weird and thanks you point it. Before continue play I have to decide if I'll stick to old versions in an emulator or not.


And for the last Mac OS versions, no answer?

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By "request new codes" he means send an email to Spiderweb asking for new codes, because the codes will reset. Spiderweb won't charge you for the new codes! Upgrading has always been free, and Spiderweb has been generous with people changing systems between Mac and PC, too.

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I understood but have the cd version is safer for the future. They have all versions (Windows and Mac) and no need to require register code. That means that if suddenly you you want spare you free WE time you won't be block because of codes and requests. Not to mention if later Spiderweb close doors. I already experiment something close to that with Realmz and that's highly unpleasant.


For people like me that want update their cd a little rebate would be cool.

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Ah. I imagine if you emailed and asked, they would sell you an OSX CD for substantially lower price since you already registered the game. However, that assumes that they HAVE OSX CDs already.


Realmz is a different issue as the company that made it essentially shut down years ago, and no OSX version was ever produced.


Regardless, I'm not sure how you can blame either developer. It's Apple's choice to repeatedly change system software and computer processors in ways that disable all older software. I should think it's fairly obvious that a physical CD is not going to update itself.

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Is their any blame in my post? Nope. Weird the current CD versions sold aren't for OSX? Are you sure of that? The site isn't obvious at all about this. Well at least I didn't understood that.


EDIT: Well the site isn't clear at all about the version on CD neither separate CD nor the trilogy on one CD. I'll have to send an email to know that.


EDIT2: About CD not upgrading itself I disagree it's exactly what happen with most game and all games that got a free update from Mac OS to OSX. Most don't bother with an install software when copy is simple enough for that and then you just apply the OSX update, all free, and no request to do. The same for just software updates, you install the original version then apply the updates and that's done, CD upgraded.

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The CDs sold by Spiderweb now have the OS X versions of all their Carbonized games. Spiderweb does have patches available for all their games online, and the patches on the site are the latest versions available. I'm not sure what else you could expect from Spiderweb. They can't change your physical CD, but they are, as you suggested, helpful in letting you change what you've installed.


—Alorael, who would be surprised if there were saved game incompatibility. He hasn't tested it, but since it's a Carbon program that will run natively on OS X and pre-OS X systems, the same program should read the same files. Again, it's pretty good for a game that's not at least five operating system versions and one big processor switch behind the times.

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For the OSX version on the CD that's fine, thanks for the precision. I'll send an email anyway to be sure because the site isn't clear at all about that.


For the double compatibility of the applications I have seen on the site some links to older Mac OS version of the games. But that need a check.


For the updates, where are the updates? You bought CD with version 1.0 and you can download a demo of 2.0 but not any update or there's an updates page I haven't seen. Could you provide the link? My understand is that the update is through downloading latest demo and request registration code which is a little tedious when you buy a version that requires no code, the CD version.


That said ok that's a small protection and to facilitate management of multiple versions, demo, electronic version and CD version. I don't mind buy fresh CD at little price even if it's not very standard.


For the files compatibility, I load my current game in the Demo running in OSX and it seems to work fine.


Nobody know what was the last version of the Mac OS Avernum games?

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If you install the games from the CD and then download the demos they'll work as the full version. That's the standard method of updating.


The latest version is listed on each download screen, just below the links to the various download mirrors. It's 2.0 for A1 and A2, 1.1.4 for A3, 1.2.1 for BoA, 1.1.2 for A4, and 1.0.4 for A5.


—Alorael, whose numbers are all retrieved with a couple of seconds worth of work from www.avernum.com. Spiderweb would work too, but it seemed more appropriate to do it with the strangely Avernum-only site.

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Thanks it's a lot more clear. I tried an update like that and it worked, the only troublesome I have is that I cannot use the registered game on OSX. But well it's not a surprise, the problem is coming from my CD that have an install application that cannot run on OSX.


I made the update in Mac OS and it worked but then I couldn't use it under OSX and still have it registered. I'll have to request a code or buy CD with OSX version.


My question about version was for the last Mac OS versions before they have been port for working on OSX too. Thanks to have point it to force me make it more clear.


For example with Avernum 1, I could update to 2.0 in Mac OS 8.6 and can launch the application and load a save but this version seems make the System or the emulator not stable. So for running on Mac OS 8.6 it's more interesting to have the last original version. I have 1.0.2 for A1 and A2 and 1.1.3 for A3. But for A3 I need check, it's perhaps compatible with OSX, it's so close to last version with OSX.


EDIT: Yes the A3 I have can be installed on OSX (or Mac OS).

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Spiderweb games store their registration information in the preferences file. Since OS X and prior operating systems store preferences in different locations, preferences from pre-OS X installations won't work. You could try moving the preference file from the Preferences folder in the System Folder to ~/Library/Preferences, but I'm dubious about that working. If it doesn't, you're back to emailing Jeff asking for a new registration code.


—Alorael, who believes A1 and A2 were Carbonized with version 2.0, so whichever 1.x.y came last will be what you're looking for. He's entirely unsure when A3 was Carbonized or if it was even released in Carbonized form.

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Thanks for the tip, it worked for A1, not yet tried with A2 but it will probably be ok too and for A3 the CD is already Carbonized so I could install in any system including OSX.


I really appreciate to not be bothered by paranoiac protection.


EDIT: LOL, how ironical it is, I will finally play the Mac os version in an emulator, the OSX version seems to work fine but on one behavior, keeping the mouse button pressed moves the party of only one square so that require to press the button for each square. I hardly believe this could have go through the tests but I have no idea what could be the cause of this quite rare bug. Perhaps the Kensington software I'm using, I'll see for an update but I won't disable it.


EDIT2: I have the last software but I also quote that I have this problem only when in window mode, in full screen mode I don't have the problem.

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