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A4 - Blocked!

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I feel the fool even posting this, but I'm totally stymied. I can't get past the portcullis into the last room of Rentar's keep. I've got _two_ copies of the curved crystal key, and I've gone up and down and all around the map, finishing up every last outstanding quest (except the untranslated scrolls, and those damn iron bars,) I've reexplored almost every screen, and I don't know what I'm missing. (I can't get into the Abyss, either, but I understand from perusing these boards that I need to pass through the keep once first...?)


(I'm sure once I get home and try again, I'll see something painfully obvious, like the last time I posted here with a problem beating someone in A3, and realized that I had unequipped all my weapons. Doy...)

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In the lower level from the stairs, head south, kill the Vahnatai, loop around east until you find a shrine and then head north of that. There's a nice illogically placed lever on the floor. Turn up the brightness on your monitor if you have trouble seeing it.

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