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So I hear there is a First Aid trainer early on. What other skills have trainers (at reasonable points in the game)? Skills like First Aid which are secondary but still useful are especially nice to pick up that way, and are a nice thing to know about when you build characters.

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Generally speaking, the skills trainers are exorbitantly expensive. In fact, they're so expensive that you'll have no cash left over for gear or (more importantly) spells.


It's much easier to just buckle down and drop one or two levels into those secondary skills along the way. (2 First Aid on every PC works wonders)

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The same Cotra trainer who's so helpful with First Aid is generally useful for magical skills, and he's relatively cheap.


Somewhat later there's another cheap trainer for archery. Investing here is another no-brainer. My second time through A4 I actually refrained from training in archery at all until I'd bought all I could, and it helped.


Most of the other basic skills can be trained as well, but it costs an arm and a leg and, like all training, you can't get more than two or three points. Fighters need to have at least that much in the beginning of the game, so they can't benefit from melee training. Casters don't belong in melee anyway. I skipped these trainers entirely.


—Alorael, who also skipped buying spells for most of the game. He bought two levels of anything that could be bought east of Almaria and no levels of anything further west, which includes all of the more impressive spells.

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Originally written by Slartucker:
Why'd you skimp on spells? Easier to just find the level three ones or what?
Well, there are no "level 3 spells" -- every spellbook you find is worth a +1 boost. The thing is, after you get your first level in a spell, a +1 boost isn't worth much, so there isn't really any point training in spells beyond first level (except maybe for cheap spells like Minor Heal, Curing and Bolt of Fire that you want to continue to get some use out of throughout the game.)
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Mainly it was laziness. I stopped paying attention to spells, and it left me more money for paying trainers.


Having a high level in Minor Heal is good because it's much cheaper that Heal and works almost as well if you have as much skill. For Heal it's less important: even low levels will fully heal characters. Mass Heal is good to boost, though.


—Alorael, who wouldn't say that his decision was particularly tactically sound. He just did it and it didn't impede his completion of A4.

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