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Bandit Castle


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I've wandered and explored a lot of the Cotra area, but I can't get into the Bandit Castle still. I found the Bronze Bandit Key quickly, but it doesn't let me into the castle, which is fine. But I can't find the key that will. I've killed the archers in the front and back of the castle. My tool use is only at level 8, I don't want to get it up to 17 for this door.


Not looking for a spoiler, just a hint to point out what I can't see

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Another, ever so slightly more specific hint: you're looking for another bandit key that isn't bronze. It shouldn't be too hard to come up with one in the other dens of banditry. If you've cleared them out already, go back and poke through chests and boxes.


—Alorael, who couldn't be more specific even if he so desired because he can't remember where he found his keys.

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The third one is the castle you're trying to get into. It sounds like you've already dealt with Hanvar (the old fort west of Draco) and Kelda (just north of Hanvar). I believe the Iron key, which opens the castle, is in Kelda's lair somewhere, in a pot or a box.

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As long as we're talking about these bandits, this is on topic. Is there any benefit to letting Bragg escape? I thought at first it would change the story at the end of the game, but now I think it just lets you skip the combat. I haven't quite made it to the very end; I just assassinated the queen of Spire.


I read somewhere there are several major plot forks, and I thought this might be one of them (or I could be wrong about the plot forks).

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They aren't really plot forks so much as slightly different endings that you can get. I don't think Bragg is one of them. He's too minor a player in the events of A4.


—Alorael, who also didn't see any text that seemed related to the Eastern Gallery bandits in the ending.

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He's in the ruins west of Fort Dranlon on the upper level. There are two stairs up in different corners of the first level, and you probably missed one.


—Alorael, who wonders why Avernum didn't do something about the ruins the first time bandits had to be cleared out. What did the ruins start out as, anyway?

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