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Publicly Displayed Name:

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Posts posted by Publicly Displayed Name:

  1. Looks like you need to get the General to mobilize the Shaper army in order for the door to open.


    [Edit]: Ah, I see the door you're talking about. That one opens only when the drayk is killed, but if you enter from the east, that door should only require the army mobilization.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Walter:
    There was some nephil bandit in the great cave that had "half-breed" in his name, and when you first see him the text that pops up describes him as looking almost like a human.
    Randolph Halfbreed.

    "You come face to face with an enormous nephar. He is a peculiar-looking creature. His fur is thin and missing in patches, and his face is peculiar. It almost looks human.
    His arms are tattooed with strange symbols, and his claws are long and tipped with steel spikes. He is truly a fearsome creature.
    Then, when he sees who you are, he lets out a long, hideous howl. It is a painful, screeching sound that comes straight out of his nephil heritage. His skin begins to glow faintly in the shadows of the cave.
    Then he pounces, claws outstretched."
  3. I don't think it's possible to get off of Gull Island without killing something. The lock to the boat can't be picked, so you'll have to kill Khyryk or the gazer that's guarding Agatha. (unless you manage to use Dominate to make other critters do the killing for you)


    [Edit]: I was wrong. There's a captured drayk in Khyryk's Tower that'll kill him for you.

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