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Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. Uggg, I've looked all over my inventory and my party member's inventories and the floor is empty around Redbeard's throne. Maybe he doesn't like my character enough?
  2. Oh yeah, that's where I read the loatino before. The issue is that I an't find the Scarab of the Void even after getting the white symbol from Redbeard
  3. I was wondering if there was a handy list of where all the scarabs in this game are. I've bought out everything from the store, got a few here and there, and was wondering where I could get more. I think I read somewhere that after getting the white necklace from Redbeard you could get the Scrab of the Void? I've been looking around but Ian't find it
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