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Posts posted by JamesMighty

  1. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity

    Make it lucrative to develop expensive new cures for dread diseases, and then suddenly in addition to all the nobly motivated medical researchers you would get without the lucre, you get a whole bunch of greedier types of genius also being lured off into medical research, when they could have been building social networks and smartphone apps instead. And then all those rich people who manage to live a bit longer as a result, albeit not as richly as before they paid for their cures, will be bored to death.

    Why not just NOT make it lucrative?
  2. Originally Posted By: Juan Carlo
    Whereas in Avadon/EFTP it seems like when the lights are on everything is one color, whereas when the lights are off everything is just one shade of grey. You don't even really need to use light sources in Avadon/EFTP as everything is perfectly, uniformly, visible--even in the dark.

    Light helps in Avadon so you can see the secret buttons (Example: Avadon dungeon. I was randomly tapping my Kindle until I found a button and realized, they look pretty much the same as the wall.
  3. Oh. In Italian, that's (besides the first word) friends, comedy, west to the end. So I figured I was wrong, considering even Google Translate didn't recognize that word as Italian.

  4. Man, do I not like Amazon.com. First off, my Kindle won't charge, so no playing Avadon or Avernum: EFTP. Now, the Android Market won't allow me to buy any more apps or play existing ones. I am thoroughly ticked at Amazon and it's Kindle Fire and am wondering if anyone has experienced the same problem.

  5. Originally Posted By: Actaeon
    Plaudite, amici, comedia finita est

    Excuse me if I'm wrong, but is this Italian? If it is, I can't read the first word. What is Plaudite?
  6. Originally Posted By: Actaeon
    Has anyone else notice that Randomizer doesn't really randomize?

    Fair enough smile

    I REALLY can't type because I broke my wrist, so expect these often for 4-6 weeks
  7. I did want to be subtle, not pointing it out so easily to start a fight but not so hard that NOBODY could find it, so I opted for the bold instead of words.

  8. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S

    Two rules:

    1) As they say on Wikipedia, no original research. This means that you cannot simply make something up and call it a Fact. Facts are things that someone is already known for and are at least slightly out of the ordinary.

    2) No insults or negative comments about other members. If you are following rule #1, this should happen more or less automatically -- forum lore tends to be things that everyone can laugh at and/or be confused by, not things that put down others.

    3) No statements about anyone's real life identity. Those are not Facts.

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