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ihavenothingprofoundtosay's Achievements

Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. So there's a few spots in the game where I'm trying to figure out whether it's just dummied out/extra atmosphere/not intended to be reachable; or whether it's something I just haven't figured out yet. There were a handful of things that I figured out on a 2nd (& 3rd) play through, but there were at least 3 that I couldn't reach: - In Avadon, right by the entrance to the detention cells, just to the north of where you first meet Sevelin, there's a barred entrance way to a further storage hall. Can anyone get in here? There might be another one in Avadon somewhere, but I can't think of it off hand. - Also in Avadon, in the lower cells, right before the tomb of the keepers, there's a barred gate and what appears to be Redbeard's personal access to the tomb. But is there anyway the player can get there at any point? And this one I'm just SURE there's a way to get to, so help me out if you can: - In the Wretch Warrens, immediately to the west of Ayse's camp, there's another area north of the river. Exploring around there lets you see a body and 2 rats across the river, but no visible way to get there. I saw it on the first go round, and even after looking through these forums, can find no way to get there. There were quite a few of these areas I noticed the first time (as well as black areas on the map that were too big to be empty), but I've found ways to get most of them. Once I got the Krysanth mission & the magical knife, I found out most of the unvisited spaces, but those 3 kinda driving me nuts (especially the last one). Anyone else have these areas driving you nuts?
  2. Absolutely epic! I've had to delete it off my iPad after playing through 2.5 times (I can get it back through the iTunes store later) - it's addictive. Once I played through on normal as more or less how I would act in the same situations, I played through on normal again, but this time was as mean & bloodthirsty as possible. I was going through on torment/hard, and was just needing to put it down for a while. Seriously great replay value. The only problem I've seen is that the overall plot doesn't seem to change no matter how you play. I'd love to see certain areas/quests/items only attainable if you've been "the good guy", or loyal servant to Avadon, or whatever for most of the game. Dunno how that would be best accomplished, but it would be one of the few tweaks to improve what is already an amazing game.
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