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Everything posted by Halbarad

  1. Originally Posted By: TriRodent Interesting idea but I can see a couple large problems right off the bat. First, by transferring over the people from A1 they'd be starting off A2 as level 30+ famous heros. The story is (as of now) that you're new recruits to the army & just got up to the Ft Draco area just as the barriers went up. Jeff would need to completely rewrite things to explain why the heros who just saved Avernum were shoved off in the backwaters of the caves rather than living it up near/in the Castle. 2nd, Jeff would have to completely rewrite the monsters encountered as the level 30 heros would just tear through everything with no challenge until they got back & started beating on the empire troops (& even then not much of a fight). Then there's the whole, if you ran a singleton in A1, would you be forced to do the same in A2? So an interesting idea for conversation purposes but as far as 'real life' down in the caves, it wouldn't be worth the time or the headaches it would cause Jeff. Let your guys from here fade off into the history books & make room for some new people to name schools after.... That is true - the level thing i think could be mitigated by lowering you character levels (probably to around 5 or so) and just saying "In the 5 years since the heroes Killed Grah-Hoth, Assassinated the Emperor and found the exit, the busy gits, they have been unable to keep up with their fighting and other abilities due to being given positions of office" The story thing is the main aspect, yeah. Would mean it would have to be rewrote in key places. The singleton aspect, i suppose so unless you just hire some people. It could also be that you just carry one character over from this into the second, the 'party leader' of sorts. Then that just throws more awkwardness into it though 'cause you'd expect to see your other characters as NPC's. These ideas wont really work for this series now but a future idea maybe. Even if it's just small references of text to the past game like "this is where the heroes fought a great battle against sulfras" Originally Posted By: TriRodent I just noticed the 'post #1', welcome to the chaos. Cheers I never had the fortune of playing the old Spiderweb games so new to the series of avernum (i've read about it on the wiki and these forums, have the idea where it'll lead upto in the future games in this remake series) but loving it anyway. Bought Avernum and Avadon on steam. Started playing Avernum when I had a week off of work and addicted to it, outstanding game. Just finished one part of the end-game, reached the surface, only took me 60+ hours (I love to explore every knook and cranny of games). Just got to do the other 2 endgame parts now.
  2. What would be good is a sort of persistance between 1 and 2 now. Keep your characters, have the choices you made match up to #2 and influence it and so on. But, that would be a lot to do and would mean a lot of work, especially to make it read your save and keep your characters and match your decisions.
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