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Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. Thanks everyone. Yeah, I checked strategy central a bit, but I ran into spoilers so didn't want to continue. I really dig the story of the game, so I suppose I'll just head on down the line when I'm finished with part 1. Clunky interface be damned.
  2. Over the years I've picked up demos of Exile and Avernum, but never got around to buying/playing the game in full. I've done so with the newest edition. Now I have a few questions. One I've had answered, but encountered a story spoiler which I want to avoid. What is the max arcane lore I need to learn all the level 3 spells? (12 I've read?) What is the max cave lore I would get use out of? What is the max tool use I would get use out of? EDIT to add: If I use the spell book before training levels 1 and 2, can I still get to level 3 through training? Once I'm done with Avernum: Escape from the Pit, where should I go from there? Are the older versions of the games up-to-snuff for someone who doesn't care about graphics etc. (obvious since I'm playing this heh), or should I wait and play another spiderweb in the mean time? I suppose that question leads one to, whats the expected wait time for the rest of the remakes? Finally, does using the character editor change anything about the game? I want to use it to respec my characters once I know the answers to the above. I'm just starting to think using 1 point every level on each character for cave lore/tool use/arcane lore (1/1/2) might be too crippling playing on hard. I understand much of this could be found elsewhere, but I want to avoid more spoilers. Thanks in advance and great job Spiderweb!
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