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Everything posted by killua

  1. to clarify : i was thinking about riposte that my hero do : the enemy attack my hero and do 150 % normal damage , my hero riposte and do about 50% normal damage . does riposte check is checked before parry and dexterity ? if so ,its kinda not cool (on Torment dif) . edit: i know (problably) increased damage is coused becous i riposte only when its critical hit (which probably cant be missed by dex or parry )
  2. it is strange thing as riposte check is done with succes my character takes damage but not normal one but increase about 30-50% of normal damage that he rececives ? is it normal ? does riposte realy work that way ? if so thats is not good ability since even if i do ripost attack i deal about 50% my normal damage but receives hard damage which as my SW has not to much HP , leads many times to death.
  3. i now fight with avendine the mage and i spot sth strang , she act twice but not as she is under frenzy but just like she has 2 turns instead of 1. same thing i spoted when fighting with some widows spiders before. is it another hidden thing in series on torment ?
  4. but that threads do not explain why my low level wolf( so i think becous i do not know if its possible to view your pets characteristics) was hit for 25 dmg and i was hit for about 50 from the same atacker ( usualy it takes 2 x less damage then my almost 60%armored SW)
  5. im more interested in how enemys CHtH is calculated and damage , now im fighing with Nerrea she hit my summoned wolf (3 wolf skill +3 beast focus skill shaman) for about 25 dmg each hit.(usualy 2 hits in round) and she hit me (55 armor,40riposte , 15parry) for about 70-80 each hit , do i poses uberarmored wolf or does damage is counted in adition with person that is hit damage ?
  6. I play SW as main character its rather melee fighter but with lot of dex its strange how the game calculated everyting : i play on torment and i am about 13 level , play with sorcerss and shaman against 2 viciouts slamander. my SW has 56 armor about 45% to riposte, 15 dex, 15 %to parry so i thought it wont be hit to many times and almost all of vicious salamanders hit hits and what is even more strange every hit about 50 dmg , as i summon a salamander with my shaman it gets about 15-30 dmg from vicious salamander hits . its kinda sick and fun killing . futher more if the skill descritpions correct i have about 65 % chance to cast frenzy spell on me on being hit with meele and if fact about 1 of 10 hit gives me frenzy. its strange game indeed O_o how is chance to hit calculated ? what comes first ? dex check /riposte check / parry check ? (others check there were sth like evade? )
  7. fallout1/2 music , age of wonders 2 music (best music for long time games IMHO) and some random ambient. now mainly with diablo 1 /2 music:)
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