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Everything posted by Los

  1. Just a quick question with Avernum bein re-released and all. I enjoyed Avernum 6 and Geneforge and plenty more, and I loaded up the demo, and my question is thus: With Avernum, are your four characters pretty much statically human? None of the other race options are available that were present in some of the other games? I'm asking mostly because of the customize option not available in the demo. Thanks!
  2. That's a bit surprising.. cure spells/pods aren't available nor endless, she's not very far in the game.. It sorta makes sense that it lasts longer as it's applied repeatedly, but there's really nothing to do about it when fighting a half dozen worms who all spit.. besides hope that the AI chooses another target or dumb luck they miss, which seems a silly basis for strategy. I'm a bit startled to find that the answer really is that it's intended, she literally healed at least 30 times, and I'm not exaggerated, trying to stay alive.. I've personally played through all of Avernum 6 and Avadon, and acid was bad, but not THIS bad.. She's not very far in the game and is dying with a startling frequency because of only acid, often after wasting all her essence pods just trying to stay alive. Anyway.. I appreciate your reply, but it seems pretty.. silly to say the least, especially early in the game.
  3. Hey folks, My girlfriend just bought Geneforge 5 and has been floored at the potency of Acid. It seems that not only do a surprising number of creatures have and use acid against her, but also it does NOT wear off! Is there a bug or some trick to it? I just watched her spend all of her mana/essence on healing as the acid ticked away 25-30 health, then use an essence pod, rinse repeat, it took seriously about two minutes of just slowly dying to acid, healing, dying more.. it never wore off. Why does it last that long? Wouldn't it be an absolute death sentence for any non-magical or healing capable character? She did buy some cure pods, but the shops she has access to early in the game have very few.. she's enjoying the game but this ONE thing has killed her dozens of times at various spots and she's growing frustrated quickly. Anyone got some insight? I can't believe there would be an intentional desire to make it last beyond any character's ability to cure it without a pod, since those are not in unlimited supply.
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