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Everything posted by ali

  1. Success! I tried 'resetboats' again and this time it worked. I think last time I tried it I hit 'enter' instead of 'return' (I hardly ever use cheat codes). I figured there wasn't anything essential there but I like to be thorough. Thanks for all your help everyone. Ali
  2. That's the thing. I can't get to the boat. The passage west of the mage's room takes me to the lake, but the boat isn't there. I can see the boat at the end of the other passage just to the north that leads to Bantam's cell, but there is no button in the cell that would take me into that passage. I tried 'resetboats' to see if that would do anything, but no luck.
  3. I know about those and the cave is totally lit up but I don't see a button to that secret passage anywhere.
  4. Sorry to come across as an idiot, but a 'light source'... such as?? Thanks, Ali
  5. I'm pretty far into the game so I thought I'd wander around a bit to see if there's anything I missed. Now I'm back in the Ogre Cave north of the Tower of Magi and I still can't see the way into the passage that will take me to the lake. I found the button that lets me into the straight passage west of the room where the Ogre Mage was, and from there I can see a boat docked at the end of the the NW passage. I went North to Bantam's Cell where you would expect to see a button that would let me into that passage, but I don't see a button there. Any suggestions?
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