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Everything posted by Nikanuur

  1. Some more suggestions: - torches out of stick and fireplace - creatures in dungeons vulnerable to light (-1 on attack and defense or so) or some even fearing open fire (torches) - use a talking or glomerule or fight or water bucket on a Nephilim guard to make him run away from his chest - gaining more XPs from smart talking then from fights and achieving things via chatting. You wise and powerfull creators of Avernum have already implemented that ...how about implementing diplomacy? - using a shovel on a grave... which would yield the same results as stealing (ok even I fell now it's kinda getting out of hand to carry 15 shovels only to be able to act when you find a grave, but you must find it funny at least bit, no ?) - stealing from people based on Dexterity - special kind of rocks that when used sharpen the melee weapons
  2. Originally Posted By: Doctor Albert Halfmann Originally Posted By: Nikanuur - more usable enviroment. I mean, if I can pick up the pick-axe, please give me a chance to break something with it. Cave-ins to be precise. Mb 3 squares with one pick or something like that (I understand a pick-axe is fairly common so let's not destroy the meaning of hard reachable place all of a sudden I'm afraid that if every last item included to provide detail and richness to a setting possessed some essential utility as well, we'd all soon run out of space in our packs/junk bags. I'm not bothered by the presence of items of negligible value, so long as I can be sure that I won't need any of 'em. You are actually right. To have all items usable would be a terror game to play as well as pretty hard to create. What I meant was items lying around without any real meaning is cool as long as there is actually a possibility one may use one of them a time to time. Do you follow me? As for the pick-axe - this item is fairly common, one does not have to carry it around. But when one strucks some cave-in in an abandoned dungeon one wishes he'd go outside to have his own little miniquest to snatch three pickaxes get back and hack his way through to explore... Something like that... - Or applying a limb on a sword makes it poisonous for 3 hits... something like this. I think your game, cool as it is already, really calls for these little improvements every now and then to be really rich and one of the best that is out there in it's cathegory.
  3. Hi, I did (not so thorough, I admit) a search for fan suggestions and found none. So here are some of mine: - more usable enviroment. I mean, if I can pick up the pick-axe, please give me a chance to break something with it. Cave-ins to be precise. Mb 3 squares with one pick or something like that (I understand a pick-axe is fairly common so let's not destroy the meaning of hard reachable place all of a sudden - some item merging - saw+some wood = a] wooden sword b] a post one can write his own messages on and see it on the minimap later c] a plank one can sell for few coins and for a bit more if selling to a carpenter... - I really like how some first-to-get characteristics means you get some better skill and even that better skill can lead to some super skill later. That's really cool, thanks for that. - I absolutely adore you for hidden buttons, small caches of little treasure and this stuff, Spidersoftware, u are the best - mb like sockets in some items or a chance to improve the items yourself ...well Thats all for now I only hope, other people will add up more and you, dear Spidersoftware-old-school-maniacs-in-charge will hear some of it up or even create your own. Thanks again for such a cool game
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