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Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. Haddock


    Thanks all for the suggestions, I needed to talk to Faira (sp?) again and she told me to go east.I'm pretty sure I'd already looked there but the bridge wasn't intact until she told me. But it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong. Managed the spiders second time round, thanks a lot to the shaman's hellhound and much higher end than I had first time round.
  2. Haddock


    HI all, I don't know if I'm being dense but I cannot find any trapdoors in Dhorl Stead apart from the one in the bottom right corner which has some rats in it and some locked doors which I'm presuming are accessible from somewhere else. I've searched the map and cannot find any other entrance. I did the same on the Dhorl Woods map and have found a trapdoor (also bottom right corner) guarded by 3 widowspawns - which I'm assuming is where the Widow of Bones lives. I've not managed to kill them yet so thats up in the air still. Can someone explain where this $&%$ trapdoor is? Also, is the hint book worth the $10? I'm quite happy to give Spiderweb some more money, but the few hint books i've looked at in the past are very rarely worth the bother. cheers
  3. I've decided to restart. I've not really done well with the skill sets and I think i've missed various quests too so I'm going to restart and try and do everything en route. I've always played sword & board type characters and so will stick with the blademaster in this one. I'm not sure , though , whether i'm doing this the hard way for some of the quests. I came across a quest to check out one of the envoys rooms in the castle at the beginning, but it takes 4 lockpicks to open the door, I can buy 3 from the quartermaster and I've found one, but given the scarcity of lockpicks it seems like a waste? I know I'll have the ninja or the sorc with lockpick skill out in the wild but in the castle it seems like i dont have a choice? Does this sound reasonable? Thanks for all the suggestions.
  4. Hi All, Just started playing this yesterday, what an excellent game. I'm having ludicrous problems with the Beast quest. I don't know if I'm tackling it too early or I've missed something fundamental somewhere but I'm wandering around the Beast Woods and every time I come across it I'm getting killed in 5 or 6 turns. I've got a blademaster (lvl 7ish) and have taken the sorceress and the other blademaster for this quest. I did everything else with the shaman and the ninja and I think I'm going to go back and get them, the balance feels better. I'm leaning towards being too low level for here as I'm having issues with the widowmaker spiders and the shade which summons skeletons in the tomb is killing me even quicker than the damn Beast. Any suggestions?
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