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Posts posted by Brocktree

  1. Originally Posted By: "Work-related hydrargyria"

    Being forbidden from stealing and assaulting isn't being bullied! Yes, sometimes having to fork over your hard-earned money to the IRS feels like having your lunch money stolen, but if you can't see the difference between what governments do to keep the state functioning for the good of citizens and what bullies do for their own good, you need to spend some time in a more dysfunctional and tyrannical state.

    Ahh, but bullying tactics *are* used to prevent us from stealing and assaulting, and to coerce us into paying our taxes. Force and, more importantly, *the threat of force* are used to coerce individuals into behaving in particular ways. That is the *literal* definition of bullying.

    You mention that this is done for our own good. Even if I were to agree with this (I don't), all I have to say is... so what? That's a massive red herring. Can you find me a definition of bullying which clearly states that bullying tactics used for the victim's 'own good' do not qualify as bullying?

    Essentially, your argument is that X isn't bullying, because X isn't bullying. That's circular reasoning.

    Originally Posted By: "Tribe"

    Governments are not individuals.

    Nor are mobs of bullies in high school. However, they consist of individuals who enforce their will against weaker individuals through the threat of punishment.

  2. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    Originally Posted By: Brocktree
    Look harder. Society exists because of bullying.

    tell me more about your sociological theories

    If you went and smoked a joint in broad daylight, law enforcement agencies would be well within their rights to arrest you. Attempts to resist would be met with threats of (or actual) violence. It is also the norm for police officers to coerce a confession out of a suspect.

    The State exists because it monopolises the legitimate use of force. It then regularly utilises this force (or the threat of force) against individuals to keep order. Justified or not, the use of coercion by a strong individual against a weak individual in order to obtain compliance is the very definition of bullying.

    This is but one example. Countries bully other countries through embargoes, invasions and occupations. Employers bully employees, and unions bully employers. I could go on and on, but I think I've made my point. Coercion is common in the 'real world', and knowing how to deal with it intelligently while retaining your self-esteem is something that should be taught in school.
  3. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    You seem to imply that bullying in school prepares you for the environment you'll experience in 'real life'. First, in my personal experience, this is not the case at all.

    Look harder. Society exists because of bullying.
  4. Originally Posted By: Preprandial Beliefs
    Often, Person A will be a designated bullying target because an alpha-bully picked Person A and everyone else goes along with it. Yes, it's usually because A is different somehow, but that somehow can be being foreign, or more interested in academics, or small, just goody-looking. How do you fix those things?

    They don't need to be fixed, because they are rarely (if ever) the core problem. I've known clever, small, goody-looking and foreign kids who were *not* routinely bullied. Indeed, some were bullies themselves.


    However, for a lot of bullying he thinks the opposite is the problem. There is no authority that can act, and there is no way to teach a kid to not be a victim of mob mentality. All you can do is try to stop the mobs from forming.

    The best way to stop yourself from being bullied by a mob is to not make yourself a target in the first place. Victims need to take agency over themselves, and stop behaving like victims. For authority to intervene and handle the situation is simply reinforcing the notion that the victim is powerless to alter their own situation. Instilling a loser mentality in children produces adults who are losers.

    I speak from personal experience. During my first year of high school, I was the target of extensive bullying and harassment. I wrote to the coordinator, and they took me out of one form, and placed me in another. Do you think that solved problem? Of course not! I was still bullied in the new form, I was ostracised outside of class, and I was harassed on the bus home. It was only in my later years, when I took agency over myself that things started to improve. If you assert your rights, carry yourself with dignity, and have a sense of worth, then others will be obliged to respect you. You don't even have to fight. Most animals in the wild can drive off bullies with a good bluff.

    Unfortunately, children aren't taught this. They are taught to be weak. To run to authority. To give in. To become powerless. To think less of themselves. To be a sheep. Public schools are raising a generation of losers, weaklings and morons, and the parents aren't helping much either. I guess this is a good thing, since society needs masses of losers and drones in order to function smoothly.
  5. Yes, Slarty pretty much hits the nail on the head.


    Every kid gets bullied at some time during high school. This is the hierarchy's way of feeling them out, to see if they are deficient. Only a few kids are bullied relentlessly, and they usually cop flak from a lot of people. So the common denominator here isn't the bully, but the individual being bullied.


    Even if authority punishes the bullies and somehow gets them to stop through threats of retribution, this doesn't change the fact that the victim had some sort of character flaw that made them an appealing target. They will simply be bullied by others. This will continue throughout their school life, and continue on into their work life. If a kid can't stand up to his own peers, then how the hell will he stand up to his employer, who will likely have far more power and influence than him? What's he going to do with the authorities themselves trample on his rights? Cry?


    Today school's set kids up for failure. If a child is relentlessly bullied, then *they* need self-esteem classes, and training in tactics on how to socialise and assert themselves. Empower children so that they can fight bullies, instead of merely perpetuating the victimhood mentality. Targeting the bully is simply treating the symptom, not the cause.

  6. Originally Posted By: Triumph
    Originally Posted By: Brocktree
    If a child is relentlessly bullied, this is more a reflection on their character, rather than that of the bullies.

    Are you saying that bullying actually is the fault of or is caused by the person bullied, rather than of the bullies?

  7. From what I've seen, schools are hierarchical, which each rung of the hierarchy giving crap to those beneath them.


    Originally Posted By: "Tyranicus"

    Also, adults do bully each other, but it is less common.


    I disagree. If anything, bullying is just as common, but more subtle. Adults have the guile to tear down those beneath them in more insidious ways. I've lost count of the number of times work colleagues have tarnished the reputation of other colleagues (behind their back of course).


    Just as an afterthought, I resent the mentality instilled in children these days, that they need to run to authority to prevent bullying. If a child is relentlessly bullied, this is more a reflection on their character, rather than that of the bullies. If their character flaws are not address, then bullying will continue to occur throughout their schooling, and continue well into their adult life.

  8. Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile.
    0.o That was the most disterbing 2 minutes of my young life

    *closes the youtube tab and sits quietly*

    Never have I seen such terrible animation and voices

    What's that? You want more?!

    Hm hm hm hm hm hm hm.
  9. - Acquired crystals (from Remote Woods) for bellock in perkalia - dhonal's band!


    - Purchased - banish affliction from Cyprien. Increased blessing magic to 8 (4 skill points) so that The Fog can cast resistance aura. Resistance Aura grants 25-40% damage reduction against elemental and magical damage. Generally I cast this when fighting enemies with heavy damaging magical attacks (gazers)


    - Purchased 'cleanse group' from factional leader


    - Used the Dominate canister in the Perkalia stronghold. I should have done this *ages* ago.


    - Added 1 to intelligence, spellcraft, and mental magic


    - Fought my way to the Middle Shadow Road, and snagged the infiltrator tunic and strong daze canister


    - Beat up on the master of the Secret lab, and acquired the eyebeast eye, pure quicksilver, and focusing crystal


    - Gave the focusing crystal to Taygen.



    - Retrieved the Demon bile from south mera road, and mandrake tincture from secret labs.


    - Demon bile + mandrake + shaped boots + pure qs = mercuric boots


    - Mercuric boots + crystalline fibres = assassins boots. Equipped! +1 to strength was required to avoid encumbrance


    - Lifted the eyebeast eye from Kayar's spire


    - Forged two golden crystals with the eyebeast eyes


    - One added to assassin's boots

    - Other added to lifecraft gauntlets


    - Camp alpha - Used war trall canister, got the stability suit off Subadai. The stability suit was equipped, but I needed to drop my Clawbug carapace, and increase strength by 1, to avoid encumbrance.


    - Changed out symbiotic cloak for the agent cloak. In retrospect, the stat bonuses provided by the agent cloak are much better.


    - Thistlewood - Acquired essence blade and solidified flame


    - Perkalia orchards - Acquired essence lances


    - Now I always cast essence blades on myself.


    - Bennhold's Keep - I surrounding Bennhold with my creations to prevent him from retreating, terrified him, and beat him to death at my leisure. Acquired the puresteel charm, reaper baton, and puresteel.


    - Western passes - Easily wasted Jorael-eye, and used the Create rothgroth canister.


    - Resorbed The Magician, and recreated him as a rotdhizon (level 46, hp 1058)


    - Dera south shores - Killed the Unbound for Smith Fitz, then killed *him* to acquire his puresteel blade


    - Dera vaults = Killed habas eye, and snagged his eyebeast stalk and golden crystal


    - Shaper's boon + golden crystal


    - Forged golden crystal with eyebeast eye


    - Projection belt + golden crystal


    - Vaniquished twin gazer. Obtained essence infused iron,

    scrying stone, and healing craft canister


    - Gave scrying stone to taygen. Reward: golden crystal, gloves of the hammer


    - Purchased two parry, melee, missile


    - Golden crystal + puresteel blade


    - Completed purity agent, and marked this off with Taygen




    I'm off to Lerman's pass






    - agent cloak

    - demon talisman

    - stability suit

    - projection belt (resist effects)

    - guardian claymore

    - sunfire greaves

    - assassin's boots (resist effects)

    - forbidden band (resist effects)

    - lifecrafter gauntlets (resist effects)



    - gruesome charm

    - tinker's gauntlets

    - Puresteel blade (+ golden crystal)

    - volcanic fetish

    - shaper robe

    - skein of wisdom

    - blademaster charm

    - clawbug charm

    - physicians charm

    - puresteel charm

    - lucky charm

    - essence infused iron

    - solidified flame


    Character skills



    Character abilities



    The Magician



    The Emperor (Level 51)






    The Magician hits for 140 each strike (that's not including quick action strikes and his extra attack every round). If one considers quick action and his second attack, The Magician probably does 364 damage each round. Acid damage probably kicks that up to 400.


    Star and The Emperor do about 275 damage each hit.


    With Bless and Essence Blade, The Fog can do 400+ damage with each Kill spell



  10. Hi all,


    I don't have the time to give a lengthy update, but I want to give a brief summary on my playthrough at the moment.


    So far the powergaming is going well. However, I have a couple of regrets.


    - I spent far too much time leveling up in the second Chapter, instead of pushing on to the Storm Plains. As such, my war tralls and rotdizhon have lost perhaps 10-15 levels that they could have received otherwise. In retrospect, getting a spell (eg. dominate) early has no long-term impact on your game. However, getting a creation early does, since it provides an invaluable opportunity to level them up.


    - After learning two in Rothgroth, I should have made the dash to the Western Passes to get that Rothgroth canister. I reabsorbed my rothgroth and made a rothdizon, and it is just amazing.


    - I should also have gotten the war trall canister much earlier (shortly after being able to create rothdizons)


    - I should have taken Lilith's advice about creating the gauntlets which give +5 to all magic skills. While my character can terrify/dominate most vanilla enemies, the chance of succeeding against high level enemies (eg eyebeasts, drakons) is about 25-50%. Had I created the Blazing Gauntlets, I would be able to reliably charm/terrify/daze virtually anything in the game which is not immune to mental effects. Unfortunately, my character is level 43, so pumping spellcraft/mental magic by 10 is out of the question.


    - My healing craft is too low. I can't cast the final Healing Craft Spell, and this hurts me


    - I should have purchased the Banish Affliction spell earlier in the game, because lightning aura really is a pain in the ass.


    Other thoughts:


    - A shaper/magician class needs at least 125 spare essence, so that they can cast the upper tier spells.


    - Regeneration aura loses its value once you gain high hp creations. I have found that of all the aura spells, Battle Aura is actually the most useful. Elemental Aura is good for those hard hitting magic opponents


    - Essence blade is not worth casting on your creations, IMHO. That essence is better off being saved for another creation, *or* for your character. Essence blades will give a higher damage output for your PC, as your PC will have two attacks, and a powerful group attack spell (aura of flames)


    - Mass Madness is pretty awesome. You can charm entire hordes of enemies, and then pick them off one by one.


    - Your damage output can rival (or even exceed) that of a creation when you use kill, aura of flames, or essence lances


    At the moment, not much can touch me. Unfortunately, I can't take down the head Unbound in Gorash-Kel. He destroys my PC like I owe him money.



  11. - Got control core B mission from Alwan, but I'll leave it for later.



    - Killed the serviles for Platano, and joined Taygen's goose-stepping faction.


    - Equipped the clawbug carapace for +1 to QA


    - Purchased 2 levels of war trall from the factional trainer, and recreated star, whose level jumped from 42 to 44


    - Purchased mass madness from factional trainer.


    - Used mass restore canister in zephyr oasis.


    - I finally made the plunge and pumped healing craft up to 9 so that I can cast mass restore. This is crucial for sustaining high hit point creations at higher levels.


    - Lifted the puresteel from the purity workshop


    - Completed Taygen's 'fyora scale' quest. Reward = Agent cloak, runed onyx. I think I'll continue wearing the symbiotic cloak for the HP boost.


    - Use the mass madness canister on pacification road


    - Beat up on shaper ghost, and equipped the Shaper's Boon


    - Purchased essence shackles (don't know why I didn't do this as soon as I got to the Storm Plains!)


    - Just as an aside, servants of Taygen can score some resistance and restoration spores from keeper Wethers at Camp Beta. Not much at this point, but still better than a war trall rock in the crotch.


    - Ducked into Kayar's spire to loot it, use a purifying rain canister, and have the control tool removed


    - Ducked into the spire cells to acquire the talisman of might, and more importantly, the essence infused iron!


    - Use the essence infused iron to create lifecrafter gauntlets! Now I can finally cast purified rain, and my war tralls have over 1,000 hit points each!

  12. I was thinking Taygen -> Alwan -> Astoria -> Litalia -> Ghaldring.


    BTW, I currently have a very pro-Shaper rep, and was a little worried I might not be able to rebound back from it. However, I have confirmed that when I give rebel answers to all my 'reputation depots', I can get an offer from Ghaldring to join the rebellion.

  13. I was torn between shooting for the Lifecrafter Gauntlets, and the Firesteel Gauntlets. In the end, I decided to reach a compromise. I'll aim for the Lifecrafter Gauntlets, and use the Solidified Flame to craft some Sunfire greaves for a Spellcraft bonus.


    My rottie is pulling his weight. His health is slightly less than the war tralls, and his damage might be as well. The rottie's lack of magic resistance also makes him the prey of Kyshakks


    On the other hand, the Rottie proves his worth against opponents who use physical damage (Rothgroths have much higher physical resistance than tralls), as well as acid and poison damage.


    I don't regret creating The Magician.

  14. - Ducked back to get the infiltrator cloak from the Mountain crossroads


    - An easy battle with the Unbound and rogues at the Dera north bridge. I've always wondered why the Dera Reaches is in such a bad way, when the loyalist soldiers in this region are perhaps the strongest in Terrestia.


    - Whacked renata for her submission baton(camp west alpha). Yeah, it's cheap, I know.


    - Created Star, another War Trall (level 42, 916 hp). Star shall never fail a test of strength.


    - Asked to join Taygens faction


    - After much experimentation, I broke the game, and managed to figure out how to successfully complete Taygen's quest to destroy Camp Dranir, while also obtaining the Guardian Claymore and Mindwarp Seal!


    The trick is as follows:


    - Offer to help the servile leader.


    - Trigger the fight, so that the loyalist Guardian spawns.


    - Allow the Shaper raiders to whittle down most of the army, (and vice versa), but make sure the Guardian *does not die*.


    - Kill the servile leader.


    - You have just satisfied Taygens quest.


    - Hightail it out of the camp without killing the Guardian


    - Mark off the quest with Taygen


    - Now return to the camp. The Shapers have disappeared, but you can cause them to respawn by walking over the same area that triggers the encounter


    - Rush out towards the north edge of the map, buff up, and wait for 'the main force of the Shaper army' to spawn


    - Attack them before they walk off the map




    - Marked off the 'Capture Camp Dranir' from Taygen. Equipped the Guardian Claymore and Mindwarp seal.

  15. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    The worst part of the Perkalia Orchards is not getting death blow experience. smile

    The worst part of the Perkalia orchards is spending 30 minutes on the battle, and then getting one-shotted by an assault cryodrayk.

    Here are some screenshots of my character/creations after the Perkalia Orchards assault.

    Abilities: http://www.box.net/shared/rbz7boo3mu7eo7nzeij1

    Skills: http://www.box.net/shared/c2ojf3byhk66dnvn7989

    The Magician's stats: http://www.box.net/shared/e3hyjiciolxdonjuv54l

    The Emperor's Stats: http://www.box.net/shared/xd5vxbumm6y3bipxe7ns


    - symbiotic cloak
    - demon talisman
    - thahdskin tunic
    - projection belt
    - vampiric blade
    - sunfire greaves
    - Samaritan sandals
    - projection band
    - lifeforce gauntlets

    - gruesome charm
    - tinker's gauntlets
    - volcanic fetish
    - shaper robe
    - skein of wisdom
    - blademaster charm
    - clawbug charm
    - physicians charm
  16. Update!


    - Made a major investment in battle shaping, cranking it up to 8, in anticipation of war tralls.


    - Chatted with Alwan and agreed to do the diplomacy with Ghaldy.


    - Slipped into the Abandoned Farms and told Sage Ophilia I had rebel sympathies. I then purchased two levels of Rotgroth and made my first Rottie... The Magician! Starting at 620 hit points, my Rottie is a vast improvement on a horde of vlish. No-one shall control him, and he will destroy everything.


    - Gave Helft Papers to Shaper Alexie to receive the Skein of Wisdom. +1 to intelligence is *far* better than the rewards offered by the rebels


    - Purchase Strong daze and kill from Cyprien. These are now my staple spells (along with ice spray, dominate and terror).


    - Provided the canister tome to rawal, and purchased two in quick action from Manola, so that I can act first in most battles.


    - Completed the 'Kill bugs' quest for Ilyra (requires good shaper rep), and was rewarded with the piercing gauntlets and fyoraskin shield. I equipped equipped both. With +2 to QA and +2 to damage levels, I have 6QA total, allowing me to act before most enemies.


    - Cranked battle magic up to 7 so that I can cast kill.


    - Killed the glaahks in Hatra ruins, and collected the reward from Genzlen. +2 strength and dexterity to my rothgroth is pretty damn good.


    - Had my audience with Ghaldring, and nicked the following canisters: Charm, war trall, and purifying rain. I also stole the demon fang talisman, which is easily the best necklace in the game.


    Made a trall (lvl 41 820 hp). He is... he is... The Emperor! He shall destroy and hate Shaper kind.


    - Beat up on on my Drakon challenger by charming both Kyshakks and allowing them to do the dirty work for me. I then snuck through the labs and beat up on Ghaldring's creations.


    - Described gazuk-uss honestly to Alwan, and provided the additional info on unbound. I was rewarded with the projection belt, which I promptly equipped (+4 to creation strength and dexterity)


    - Bought maximum of firebolt, blessing magic, burning spray, searer, ice spray, lightning aura, unlock, war blessing, speed, minor heal, cure afflication, and heal


    - Boosted mental magic by 3, as I was starting to miss important charm/daze throws.


    - I decided to take on the Okravano Sea Caves. I never bothered to clear this area in previous games. It is worth noting that the essence shades have a 40% chance to hit my tralls. At first I had no idea how to beat the shade triad, so I just ran by and attack the shaper shade. This was a *hard* fight. I created three corrupted thahds to distract him (corrupted thahds have high magic resistance). My rottie held off the shade triad while trall and I wailed on the Shaper shade. We got through by the skin of our teeth.


    - I then tackled shade triad, and didn't get anywhere. I honestly thought the game was bugged, since I couldn't kill one of them by getting its health to 0. I was about to cheat with exitzone, until I realised that the fight was actually rather easy. I plastered each with lightning aura. Then The Emperor hit one, The Magician hit the second, and The Fog tackled the third. Given that the shades missed by creations 60% of the time, it was an easy victory.


    - I pocketed the gruesome charm (+2 int) and Shaper robe.


    - Purchased shaped greaves from Mukesh in Perkalia, and scrounged up my demon bile and mandrake tincture.


    - Mandrake + demon bile + shaped greaves + solidifed flame = Sunfire greaves. equipped. I had to unequip the fyorascale shield to avoid encumbered


    - Tackled the cryoa at the Western Pass with charged vlish. Exchanged the empathy blade for thirsting knife! Same benefits, no penalty to dex.


    - Killed balme at the podling crossroads, and collected the flamecaster's shawl from Trahan.


    - Acquired the pure quicksilver at the mountain crossroads!


    - Killed the drakons and rotgroths at fort rockfall to acquire the symbiotic cloak, which was then equipped (+2 to PC end, +1 to creation end)


    - Ducked back to Gorash-kel to get resistance aura canister. Unfortunately I can't cast it (nor purifying rain) at this point.


    - Stormed the foundry. Acquired the volcanic fetish, and more importantly, my second demon's bile. Also filched the mental focus charm (+1 to spellcraft)


    - Purchased shaped gauntlets from Mukesh in Perkalia.


    - Demon bile + mandrake tincture + shaped gauntlets + pure quicksilver = lifeforce gauntlets. They were promptly equipped, and added one point of strength added so that I was not encumbered


    - Assault patchworks hit for 40% at this point.


    I will post images in my next post.


    I'm honestly having a powergamer's dilemma. Part of me wants to join Taygen (which was my intention to begin with), but I'll be missing out on what is easily the best blade in the game (Guardian's Claymore). My lack of strength is really starting to hurt, and a few more points of quick action would help me retain the initiative.


    Oh well, I still have to make my way to the Dera Reaches, so there's time to weigh up the pros and cons. Coming up is the *shudder* Perkalia Orchards.

  17. Quick update:


    - Acquired the Projection Band at Noyde Pass, and equipped in favour of the Shielding band.


    - Betrayed the Shadow Road to Rawal for that extra point in terror.


    - Blasted through the Clockworks with relative ease, acquiring the Tinker's Gloves (+2 to mech).


    - Was then able to acquire the trapped +2 daze canister at Kroata-Kel


    At the end of Chapter 2, The Fog is level 28, and has five unfortunate Lvl 19 vlish in tow. I say unfortunate, as they are soon to be resorbed.







    Equipped equipment includes:


    - Coated Cloak

    - Passage Stone

    - Thahd Tunic

    - Student Belt

    - Empathy Blade

    - Carnelian Gloves

    - Samaratain sandles

    - Projection Band


    Other equipment includes:


    - Tinker's gloves

    - Blademaster charm

    - Physicians charm

    - Clawbug charm




    - My experiment with Glaahks was a failure. Vlish have more practical value throughout Chapter 2. This is a minor setback at best, though, since I'll have war tralls very soon.


    - I could have snuck through the Foundry Repository, but it's time consuming to do so, and I'm not that masochistic. Your early game power would probably go up a little, though.


    - My leadership and mechanics are too low to bother with the Shadow Road at this point.


    - I decided against cranking up mechanics in order to steal the Shaper Robe from Rawal. The skill point investment in mechanics is far higher than the skill points saved from the +1 to battle shaping the robe grants


    - You are showered with money in this game. I could probably have afforded to purchase a few more of the lower spell levels, although it's not a big deal.


    - I can daze, terrify and dominate most things reliably. Exceptions include the Unbound, and the Patchwork roamers at the Foundry.


    - I'm going to hold off investing in mental magic and spellcraft, and sink a lot of skill points into Battle Shaping, in anticipation of Rotties and Tralls. I probably won't start investing again until I acquire some equipment which boosts mental magic/spellcraft, so that I have some idea of what skill point investment is required.


    - In Chapter 3, it will be a race to get Rotties and War Tralls ASAP, as I want as much time as possible to level them up.


    - In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have gained so many level ups in Chapter 2, as I have reduced the maximum number of levels my tralls will be able to acquire later. Leaving Chapter 2 at level 15 would be desirable.

  18. Originally Posted By: Roentgenium
    Also, how far can you go with powergaming the sects?

    I was wondering the same thing, which is why I've pulled out GF5 for a replay. I'm also motivated by the desire to see everything there is to see in the game. While I have completed GF5, I missed some areas because I just got tired of the brutal hammering I was receiving all around.
  19. Quick update:


    - Killed Felik to obtain the Thahdskin Tunic, and equipped


    - Cut my way through the Okravano swamps to reach the Trakovite Haven, where I then trained in Dominate. This vastly increased my sorceress's potency, to the point where I was able to decimate the Rotgroths in Okravano.


    - I then duly betrayed the Shadow Road and Trakovite Haven to Michelene. With the Physicians Charm and Samaritan sandals, I can now cast regeneration aura with no investment in Healing Craft.


    - Glaahks are lackluster, at best. They are expensive, their damage is low, they have only one source of damage (magic), can only attack with melee, and their stun is worthless. I really wish I had just made a pack of vlish, and leveled them up. Oh well, no great loss. I was planning to absorb the glaahks once I reached the Storm Plains anyway, although I might do so earlier, since they will be useless in Kraota-Kel.




    - Glaahks suck. Their stun attack is unreliable, at best, and their damage die is low. Use Vlish throughout chapter 2. At least they have a decent ranged attack.


    - You don't need to invest in Healing Magic to cast Regeneration Aura.


    - Dominate kicks ass.

  20. To be honest, the Sorceress and Lifecrafter would play near identically. I cannot emphasise this enough, but mental magic is an absolute lifesaver in Geneforge 5. I honestly cannot envisage how I would have completed past Torment games without being able to reliably daze/terrify/dominate/charm enemies. 'Reliably' is the key word here. You need to be guaranteed of success. Dazing/terrifying 50% of the time is not a viable strategy, any more than dodging 50% of the time is.


    If I were to prioritise (attack) skills, it would be as follows:


    1. Spellcraft

    2. Mental Magic

    3. Intelligence

    4. Blessing magic (only require small investment)

    5. Quick action (about 6)

    6. One Shaping skill (10?)

    7. Healing craft (small investment

    8. Battle magic (max to get all spells)


    If you do the number crunching, you will realise that Lifecrafter's will save 10 skill points over the sorceress if they invest 10 in battle shaping. However, the sorceress will save 30 points, if they choose to specialise in mental magic, spellcraft, and invest a few points in battle and blessing magic. Overall, the sorceress comes out 20 skill points ahead.


    Yes, the Lifecrafter will have slightly higher essence. But you can offset this by simply using those extra skill points the sorceress obtains to boost her intelligence. This will grant her equivalent essence to the lifecrafter, but also higher spell energy.


    Also, I'd just like to point out that having about 6 points of Quick Action is crucial, in order to gain the initiative. As long as your quick action is higher than everyone else, you gain the first attack. The opponent's dexterity does not appear to matter. Being able to fire off a daze/terror/dominate before your enemies attack is so important tactically, that the very small investment in Quick Action is a bargain (you can buy two points real cheap from Rawul's trainer).


    With my current character, I'll probably invest 10 in battle shaping before shaping Tralls. As far as raw damage output goes, creations are the best source simply because of their high multiplier, and numbers. Every two points invested into a Shaping skill gives all that branch of creations an additional die damage, 5% chance to dodge, a massive boost in health (20 for tralls). Ergo. Every two points will increase a trall's damage by (1+8)/2 = 4.5. If you have 4 tralls, that equates to 4.5 * 4 = 18. Add to that the health bonus, and this vindicates investing in a Shaping skill.


    Finally, I'd like to just state something I have only just realised recently. Equipment that adds bonuses to your creations is perhaps the most powerful in the game. For example, consider the Shaper's Boon. It adds +1 to all of your creations primary stats. That's a +18 to damage if you have war tralls, +extra endurance. Even the Eye's Purity Ring (+3 BM) won't give you that sort of damage increase .


    But what makes such items more outstanding is that they are essentially +2 to *all* shaping skills (Fire/Magic/Battle creations all benefit). Therefore the bonus offered by the Shapers boon is equivalent to (3+3+3+3+4+4)* 2 = 40 skill points.


  21. Originally Posted By: Roentgenium
    Wait, how are you able to sneak into Gorash-Kel so easily? I don't think you can obtain any stealth-boosting items at that point of the game, and you can't boost your action points either. Also, what class are you playing as?

    It's relatively easy to sneak around Gorash-Kel without any stealth items. Just walk about in combat mode. As long as patrolling enemies don't end their round in your line of site, you are safe. You won't be able to access the chest guarded by the Unbound at the northwest corner of the fort, though.

    I'm playing as a sorceress, which is easily the best class in the game.
  22. 'The Fog' is an enigmatic lady with innate magical abilities and no recollection of her past. As her talents grow, she utilises her ability to cloud mens' minds to win innumerable victories, supported by relatively strong battle magic and reliable creations.


    Above all else, 'The Fog' is completely self-centred. With virtually everyone taking advantage of her amnesia to use her as a pawn in their crazy schemes, 'The Fog' sees no issue with backstabbing them to gain the coins required to purchase a living tool, which can in turn be used to access that essence lances canister which will give a whopping +5.5 damage to that spell (exclusively).




    I suppose the aim of my current game with this character is to test my hypothesis on powergaming the sects. I also want to see how far this character to go power-wise, and provide a guide to newbies on the philosophy of character development


    So far, I have


    - Turned Mehhken in for those points in intelligence and endurance. This is one of the best rewards in the game.


    - Exclusively used disposable artilas throughout Chapter 1.


    - Chose the 'Battle Magic' reward for the Shaper trial. I would argue that clawbugs become redundant around Storm Plains, whereas you never stop casting Speed.


    - Held off investing in Spellcraft, until I could buy two points from the trainer in Mera. I never bothered purchasing Blessing/Battle Magic/Mental Magic, as the cost/benefit ratio is low.


    - Pumped Mental Magic and Spellcraft


    - As soon as I hit the second province, I went straight to Gorash-Kel and stole everything I could. By entering into combat mode, I can obtain most of the goodies, including the Mandrake Tincture, Blademaster Charm, and Farsight Plate (the best piece of armour you will have for a while). You can also acquire the Glaahk canister with great ease.


    - Invested a single point in Magic Shaping, and Shaped two Glaahks. I plan to keep them for as long as possible.


    - Cleaned out most of the areas around Mera, and tackled Murkwood. I killed the bandit leader simply to obtain the empathy blade, which is one of the best weapons in the game (+2 Creation Strength, +1 Dexterity)


    My character is currently level 22 (6 mental mag., 6 spellcraft), with 27 spare skill points. My two glaahks are level 27. Spamming daze and terror allows me to handle most battles with laughable ease. Unfortunately Unbound have a 93% to resist terror.


    I'm eyeing off Okravano Swamp and Lerman's Pass. I'll probably try and push my way through Okravano, since I really want dominate.


    In summary:


    Chapter 1:

    - Turn in Mehken


    - Purchase protection, burning spray and artila ASAP


    - Choose the battle magic reward for the Shaper trials


    - Invest in Mental Magic


    - Hold off on investing in Spellcraft until Mera


    - Ensure you obtain the student's belt, carnelian gloves, and nimble sandles (the best equipment at this point)


    Chapter 2:


    - Get the Ice spray canister ASAP


    - Raid Gorash-Kel (in combat mode) ASAP. At least clear the Glaahk Canister, Farsight Breastplate, and Blademaster Charm.


    - Purchase spellcraft as soon as you get to Mera


    - Purchase Unlock and lightning aura *as soon as possible*! Lightning aura is easily the most powerful attack spell for most of the game, and cannot be obtained from canisters/books.


    Unlock is one of the most useful spells in the game, but the canister can't be obtained early, so you will need to purchase it. The sooner, the better.


    - Get the Terror canister in Penta (one of the best spells in the game)


    - Invest heavily in Spellcraft and Mental Magic.


    - Level up your Glaahks? (need to continue playing to test viability)


    - When you enter Murkwood, make sure you kill the bandit leader. The empathy blade provides two extra damage die to your creations, which is the best bonus early on.







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