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Posts posted by Masquerade

  1. Originally Posted By: kal
    The problem with Redbeard is he has trust issues. Shadow Tarkus tried to get close to him but old red wouldn't have that.

    from the context of a person who has not finished the game yet, that sentence can be interpreted in many different ways.
  2. Originally Posted By: FnordCola

    The world needs to push back, and behave like an actual world, in order to give the decisions I make any meaning. If I try to cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring, I ought not succeed simply because I am the protagonist, and if my small, elite squad charges an entire damn army, they ought to get the Bolivian Army Ending they deserve.

    You need to go on the quest for the shrubbery first tongue
  3. Originally Posted By: The Mystic
    If I were a gambler, I'd bet a good amount of money that some of those were fake. Nobody can be that lucky... eek

    Anyway, pretty cool video. grin

    The pillow truck one could be fake, but the rest look real enough to me, considering amount of people who are unlucky in the same situations.
  4. For Christmas i recieved an ipod. I know that people my age usually have musical intelligence coming out the wazoo but the the aformentioned Aspergers Syndrome tended to lead me away from social conventions and i was never too interested (and too frugal) in spending all my pocket money on cds. I don't like modern music much anyway (please don't start ranting, its only one persons opinion, its alowed to be different from yours) thus i wasnt game to touch my sisters collection. But when i had a rubbish through my parents cupboards i found some things that i like, mainly some stuff from what im told are "Ska" bands mainly: Ultravox, Electric Lights Orchestra and Men at Work which are my favorites of the bunch along with some traditional rock bands: Queen, The Beatles, David Bowie Some pop bands: Abba and John Paul Young who i don't like as much and finally a bunch of movie soundtracks which make for good "calm down the heck down and study" music.


    I'm quite content to listen to some songs that i like on repeat but with a 7 hour road trip coming up I'd like to put some new stuff on it. But i have no clue about how to navigate the big, bad world of music. Its a bit of a new frontier for me so is there anyone out there that can tell me about some good bands along those lines that i can check out? Dates are unimportant.



  5. Originally Posted By: *i
    The faceless main character is a common element in many RPGs. See Crono in Chrono Trigger as a prime example. The reason for this is the character represents you.

    When i play a game i do not nessicarily want a character that is "me" but rather i want to become my character. Being able to select a nationality during character creation and then having people react to it would add layers to my character and make the experience more immersive on top of adding replay value, this is a feature that i would like to see in av2. I do like the game but i just cant fit into my character if my character cant fit into the game.
  6. I was exited to pick up this game because i was looking forwards to detailed characters that jeff likes to weave into his games, and in many ways it surprased my expectations. The world was exeptionally well designed and the cultures of the different nations are intricate and engaging, but my character does not belong in it which is intensly frustrating and disappointing. The NPCs have backstories and nationalities but my character has none, he has no nationality or even a religion and the NPCs do not react to hima t all, i had thought at least that Shima might react to me beig a shadowwalker but the conversation made it seem as if my character was unaware what a shadowwalker was regardless of him obviously being one which is a step down from jeffs usual attention to detail. I undestand that this is a first enstallment and it is not perfect but in future i hope that NPCS would acnolledge my character more, and mabey even give that classes a nationallity to match their class and/or gender

  7. After doing the ogre quest with sev in the party, hes been freaking out over that bandit who pwned him. I calmed him down and now hes saying that its ok because he knows where the bandit is, im sorry what? i guess i wasnt paying attention during that little cutscene because i assumed that the bandits skidaddled and that i would run into them later but according to sev i have to know go back for him, arg. I'm up to the peace talks quest about the woods so could somebody please tell me wher mr handy bandit is before i go all the way back to kill him.

  8. Originally Posted By: Synergy
    P.S. - Cleavage isn't so nice when you're on the receiving end, and this gets a bit nasty by late game. It will encourage you to space your party members away from one another in many fights.


    But then i wouldn't get a backstabbing bonus frown
  9. I have recently obtained an Ipod and i have recently obtained Avadon, they mesh well together. In fact I think that the awesomeness of Avadon has inspired sentience from my Ipod because everything i do in-game is accompanied by an aproprate soundtrack. Im not kidding when i was trawling through some trash mobs in a low-level dungeon "another one bites the dust" came on, and when i was exploring "happy travel" came on, and when i was contemplating overthrowing redbeard "revolution" came on tongue Thankyou Ipod for making my Avadon experience even more awesome.

  10. Originally Posted By: Tirien
    Isnt it technically summer there?

    Yes out seasons are opposite to the seasons in the northern hemisphere because of the earths' tilt and position around the sun. We don't normally have this type of rain in summer, usually we would be very lucky (or unlucky if your driving) to get 10 minutes of hail each winter.

    It is. Hail and thunderstorms are pretty common in summer here, at least in Melbourne.

    Not so much up here in the hunter, at least from my memory, but winter is another story all together. You guys must be in for some pretty long days down there, huh?
  11. Ok, yesterday it was 34 degrees celcius and today there is thunder, lightning, rain and hail stones raining down from the sky. yeah, turns out you can have a white christmas in Australia, even if it it results in car damage and melts after 10 minutes. Is the weather as crazy everywhere else as it is here?

  12. I offer you the future of interior decorating! It is a strange exotic non-sentient life form called a plant, placed into a ceramic containment unit called a pot. Together they are called chuck.

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