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Everything posted by rfulbkf

  1. Originally Posted By: Dantius Well, you can increase your skills at casting mage and priest spells by levelling up and putting points into the Mage Spells/Priest Spells skills. There is my problem: I have standard 5 free skillpoints after a new level. For example, I wish to improve bolt ov fire. I access character's spell/taits list and get stuck here. I can't see any active interface buttons. Just a list of spells and that all. What am I doing wrong? Is it possible to invest skillpoints directly in spells or not?
  2. PLEASE! Answer my newbie question. I just don't want to create an other meaningless thread. QUESTION: How can I raise my magic and priest spells? It seemed to me the only way is magic books. Am I right or there are other ways?
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