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Everything posted by marvin

  1. I tried missile training and I tried melee training. Neither appears to work. After paying the 3000, I see a special item that says I am 2 levels higher in damage. However, if I look at my weapon (melee or missile), damage that it deals out is unchanged. Am I missing something? It is a lot to spend on training if it doesn't have any impact.
  2. I joined Astoria's faction. I sabotaged the purity agent, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do it without alerting Taygen and making him hostile. Is it possible to do it without alerting him? I dumped the vat. Other spot showed a way to overload the power, however, I couldn't do that because there was a 'saftey.' Is there a negative consequence to alerting Taygen other than his Oasis being hostile?
  3. I want to fullfill this. However, I already found the traitor among the cultists, so they don't want to fight me. I forced a fight with them and killed them all, but I couldn't find the amulet. I then found that the whole section of the map was hostile to me - not just the cultists. 1. Is it still possible to get the amulet? 2. If I am 'pro-rebel,' will killing everything in this area hurt me with the rebels? The whole point was to fulfill the rebel quest. However, I am wondering if I lose points with the rebels by killing everything in this area. It might defeat the purpose.
  4. If it is a flat 20%, what does improving the spell training do?
  5. What exactly does this do? Does it only add to melee attack? Or does it add to damage in spell attacks such as 'kill' as well?
  6. My battle shaping skill is 2. As an Infiltrator I focused more on battle magic 9, mental magic 8, spellcraft 6, intelligence 9. My healing magic is only 2. I might have to raise it despite the high cost so that I can do a group heal or regeneration aura. I didn't think my Corrupted Thads could take on the Unbound by themselves, so I stayed in rage to hurl lightning or accid at it. However, I could try staying back.
  7. I have an Infiltrator at normal difficulty. I tried 7 Corrupted Thad a bunch of times against an Unbound at Gorash-kel, but I keep getting killed. I also tried using them at Lerman's Pass. I made some headway at Lerhmans Pass, but I had to burn through a lot of pods and spores and keep recreting them. They died pretty quickly there. I gave up for now. I could do it if I burn through most of what I have in terms of pods and spores. I am trying to figure out my best path South to meet that Drakon.
  8. Thanks. It worked. Not so sure corrupted Thahds are that good though. Attack is good, but they lose there health so quickly.
  9. I am new to Geneforge 5 and I have been looked at this forum. How do you create Unstable Thads and plated clawbugs? I see them referenced in the forum, but I don't see them listed as creation types. Is an Unstable Thad just a Thad you have skill of two in instead of one?
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