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Everything posted by Hammerdal

  1. Yea, I'm not crazy about enemies getting 2-3 rounds for each of mine, especially when every one of their attacks has to be one of those 20 second special effect AoEs. I'm thinking of all those Incubus's near the Krysanth that take forever to finish their turns, and end up killing Nathalie in one round because she's so fragile.
  2. Ok then, looks like I just need to get used to the new World Map system. Shouldn't be a problem now that I know that it's actually significantly different from Geneforge and now also in what ways. Thanks.
  3. I also like the Hitchhiker's reference on the Towel: "You should always know where this is." And actually, because of that, I always keep a towel on one of my characters.
  4. I just found Runner Faiga who told me about the next area to go to in Khemeria, so I think I'm on track there now. I've still got that blue ore quest down in the Kva, as well as the one hunting Neray the arms dealer, but I'm getting the impression I'll need to come back to those later? Thanks for the help guys
  5. Hmm, that's good to know, although I'm pretty sure I have some quests that look like they require me to go to some new areas, although maybe I'm missing some secret switch somewhere, or maybe some dialog with some npc i have or haven't talked to yet. It's kinda irritating
  6. What's the deal with unlocking new areas on the world map? I can only go to 4 areas in the Kva and just the starting area in Khemeria, and when I try to leave an area in a direction that looks like it should lead to a new area, it just takes me to the world map with the same limited travel options. I've registered the game; the title screen even thanks me for doing so. As a slight aside, I don't like how you always start in the same part of an area when you go to it regardless of where you came from, I prefer how it was done in Geneforge.
  7. Ah, I remember when I looted Formello back in Exile 2. Quickfire sure was a fun spell to have
  8. Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit Originally Posted By: Thuryl And we've got at least two new games to go before he hits his next third-installment slump. I stand by my assessment that E3 was Jeff's best ever. Either that one or Nethergate is my favorite. And that new 3d engine looks cool, but it makes it really hard to find the right spot to click to interact with certain things when you or other things are in the way. Like I can't just walk into a doorway
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