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Posts posted by Golgoth

  1. Originally Posted By: Dantius

    Remember the anthrax mail scares a few years back? Killed a few dozen people. Terrified the nation. I would bet that hundreds of times as many people drown is swimming pools annually.

    Which is scarier?

    That was right after the 9/11 attacks which in turn caused people to straight away be worried there would be a pandimenic
  2. Originally Posted By: Lilith

    It's called terrorism because the aim is to scare people, not kill them. If you get a major public institution quarantined so that it can't do business for days or weeks, you've achieved your goal pretty well. Killing a bunch of people 5 years from now isn't necessarily going to be a lot of use to you compared to killing a few, making a few more sick and making absolutely everyone panic.

    But What causes more terror than killing many, What would scare you more a disease that could have a small chance of killing you or one that has a large chance of killing you?
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