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Everything posted by Delcar

  1. I think I'll do a strong caster next play through - to learn my spells better.
  2. Yup, my aborted run as a Lifecrafter and Shaper was due to me not being willing to stay far enough behind the lines. My aborted Warrior run was because I kept getting frustrated with being a superhero with everchanging sidekicks (the critters died too fast, and I couldn't support them well enough. Shocktrooper, to quote Goldilocks is just right - for me.
  3. Thanks again all. I'm geared out alot better already; had to up my strength a tad to wear the spiffy new gloves and the Shaped Breastplate, but it seems to be paying off. Now if I can get past those damn podlings in the crossroads, I'll nab that belt.
  4. Ok, nabbed the cloak, and the Mandrake Tincture. I've looked at the artifact choices, and I'm torn. I thought I had the soldified flame; I know I have a pure quicksilver.
  5. I've got about 3k in cash right now, and haven't fully looted the Thistlewood bandits camp, but I did haul out the choicest gear. Here's a dumb question, why can't I shape some sort of mule to carry stuff for me? Ah well. I've got the Hleft papers, been debating who to turn them in to, thanks for the tip!
  6. Dantius: Good points on the gear - the infiltrator's shield is the only one I carry, I'll find an alternative, and get new gloves. Litallia - is that the Tarkovite leader? So far, I've avoided alienating any faction - I'm still undecided which way I'm going this play-through, but I'm leaning towards Astoria's worldview. I'm going to gather all the living tools I can find and do Gazaki-Uss. Randomizer: I have visited Gorash-Kel, but I'm not sure how much training I have taken advantage of from Quothe; I'll go revisit. Thanks!
  7. Tactics: Start with Regeneration and War Blessing Plated Clawbugs are melee, most fights I'm pretty close behind them alternating between Group Heal and sniping, I'll rarely whack someone with the Flaming Sword (+Ivory Skull) either to finish off a weakling and save ammo, or for the curse effect early in what I expect to be a long fight. The Vlish is extra long range oomph, he stays behind me and shoots the weakest target. I try to pick off lone critters or small groups rather than rushing in. If I have no choice but getting into a big brawl, I'll send 4 corrupted Thahds in, and keep the main group the hell back. Then I send in 4 more with us following them in.
  8. Current Stats (No gear or 'buffs') Level 31 Str: 5 Dex: 6 Int: 9 End: 4 -COMBAT- Melee: 4 Missile: 8 Q. Action: 1 Parry: 1 -MAGIC- Battle: 1 Mental: 1 Blessing: 1 Spellcraft: 0 -SHAPING- Fire: 3 Battle: 10 Magic: 5 Healing: 7 -GENERAL- Leadership: 8 Mechanics: 10 Luck: 3 -NORMAL KIT- Infiltrator's Shield Nimble Sandals (+Blessing Stone) Girdle of Nimbleness Tinker's Gloves Infiltrator's Cloak Vat Chitin (+Runed Amethyst) Plate Greaves (+Charging Stone) Acid Baton -OTHER GEAR- Jade Band Guardian Stone Ethereal Seal Empathy Blade Captain's Shiv Flaming Sword (+Ivory Skull) Samaritan's Sandals Fyoraskin Cloak (+Runed Ruby) I've found Shaped gloves, boots, and breastplate, and have them stashed. I've got two(2) Demon's Bile, but no mandrake tincture yet. I probably -should- just start wearing the breastplate anyway.
  9. Hello all. Been enjoying the hell out of the game greatly so far, and after some experimentation and with the help of the guides I've settled on the Shocktrooper as the right fit for me, and have been doing ok overall. (I did the demo as Shaper, and Lifecrafter, and got a warrior to Peta) My trooper however hit the Storm Plains region and the difficulty curve seems to have taken a swing upwards. I've looted the Eastern Shadow Road, killed some of the critters in the Foundry Repository, cleared out the Stoneworks, and taken out a roaming Unbound, so while I seem to be doing all right power-wise, I think my tactics need some refining. [stats to follow in next post] I'm torn on what to increase next - Luck or Endurance for survivability, Dex or Missile weapons for more killing power, or start improving my magic some. I've got a pair of plated clawbugs still, (level 35 and 36) and a new-ish vlish (level 20). I make corrupted Thahds fairly often as disposable shock troops, and can make a Battle Alpha, but a new one doesn't quite make a good replacement for the ol' bugs. I sell pods (except essence), wands and crystals as soon as I can, and I'm still feeling poor.
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