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Posts posted by Dantius

  1. How about that. Stun, damage, and debuff. It is supposed to be as powerful as possible while not turning the point of the RP into a game of "lets-devote-all-of-our-resources-into-getting-Dantius'-wand!"


    Oh, and when I say "massive damage" I mean that, to a creatur with no magic resist (like a Cryodrake) it would do 700-800 damage. That's not too powerful, since a kill spell from one of my Gazers in my shaper run through did over 600 damage a few times

  2. Right. I will change my wand to the a wand of neural disruption. It will:



    2.Do (as Nioca put it so well) a crapton of damage

    3.Remove all buffs on the target

    4.Curse, slow, weaken the target

    5.Surround the target with a lightning aura

    6.Still ineffective against Gazers


    That should equalize it quite a bit, while still having it be very powerful.

  3. Agent Gear:


    Tek's Spectral Dirk


    Agent Cloak


    Puresteel Necklace


    Ring of Eye's Purity


    Draconian Plate


    Agent's Shelter


    Medic's Sustainer


    Dreadnought Boots


    Firesteel Gauntlets


    Black Iron Greaves


    Shaper Gear:


    Thirsting Knife


    Symbiotic Cloak


    Demon Fang Talisman


    Shaper's Boon


    Shaper Trueweave


    Stasis Shield


    Girdle of Victory


    Assassin's Boots


    Lifecrafter Gauntlets


    Black Iron Greaves (yes, Black Iron Greaves for a Shaper)





    There you go.

  4. For a while now, I've been toying with the idea of creating a Geneforge scenario with the Starcraft Campaign Editor. I was thinking something like creating a map of Sucia Island, then put beacons all over it, then programming the locations in such a manner that stepping onto a beacon would take you to a specific level, where you could then play the level, and, upon completion, it would take you back to the World Map. I could probably drastically trim the amount of levels needed to about 25 or so (delete the "filler levels," like the Mines), and then program in some simple dialog and plot. I was wondering, though, whether anyone else would show any interest in this, or am I just doing this to entertain myself (which is fine too). Feedback would be appreciated.

  5. Three charges? That way it would be still useful, but not as powerful. Or, I could make it be ineffective against creatures with a high magic resistance, which would tone it down as well


    I based it off the Wand of Death in NetHack, which will kill instantly unless you have a Resist Magic item equipped, so maybe making it have a chance of failure equal to magic resist would be... That's it! Hang on a moment.

  6. Spddin grows too powerful. He's overextending himself. Soon, Kov will show him the magnitude of this error. What's more, there is absolutely no way he could have advance knowledge of this, so he will be blissfully unaware, until his army starts to attack him...

  7. Lord Kov and his entourage hiked up the long and winding trail at the Western Rise. As they reached the rise itself, they looked around. It was abandoned.


    One of the Drakons spoke:


    "Kov. Where are the gazersss we were to meet? I sssee noone."


    Kov shrugged "We'll continue farther along tommorrow. Maybe we'll be met then."


    The serviles set up camp, and the smal band prepared to rest.




    A massive explosion rocked the night. The camp was under attack! A dozen Gazers had cornered the eight Drakons and were systematically slaughtering them. As Kov watched, a fireball struck a Gazer in it's vulnerable central eye. It shrieked and fell, summoning a cloud of ice that blasted at the Drakon that killed it. Within a minute, the Gazers had finished, and the Drakons lay dead. One of the Gazers turned towards Kov. He noticed that, unlike the rest, this one was green instead of red. It bobbed slightly up and down in greeting.


    "Greetings, Lord Kov. I am Gloral Eye, the commander of Azraph Camp Zeta, of the Eyes. We welcome you to our domain." it spoke, as if it had not mercilessly murdered eight of Kov's travelling companions not a minute ago.


    "We presume that you were unaware of the fact that no Drakons are to be allowed into Eye domains, unless accompanied by an Eyebeast, with Dantius' specific permission."


    "As it is, we will presume that nothing has changed, and Dantius has not withdrawn his offer. I will accompany you to Grosch., as the escort for the Class X forbidden creation that you posess. Please pack up and follow me. It should be about a day's march."




    Gloral had pushed them farther, and they arrived in Grosch as the sun was setting. It was still a miserable settlement, containing less than two thousand people, most living in poorly constructed wood shacks. Towards the north of town, however, the buildings grew larger and made of stone, cumulating in a small stone keep on the river.


    A human led them to a wodden barraks in the center of town. Gloral and six of his Gazers remained.


    "I expect you will be summoned in the morning. Do as you please until then. If you leave the city's walls, or attempt to enter the keep, you will be killed.". Gloral remaind floating, vigilant, by the only door.


    "What, arn't you going to sleep?"


    The Eyebeast gave him a level stare. To be precise, he gave him several hundred level stares.


    "I will not belittle myself to answering petty biological questions from ground dwellers such as yourself!" he exclaimed.


    Ah, so there was the famed arrogance of the Gazers, thought Kov.


    Kov shrugged, set down his pack, and collapsed and fell asleep on the bed that had been provided for him.




    Several miles north, and hundreds of feet deeper, sleep was quite probably the last concern in Dantius' mind. He was currently communicating via Fareye with Revak and Kallinnin. Nihsun was present.


    "I don't care how valuable an ally he could be, it is too dangerous! The Sholai themselves are trying to get rid of him! The last thing we need is scrutiny! If we ally ourselves with him, we set us up as an easy common enemy for everyone!" Revak was raging.


    "Calm down, Revak. The Sholai can't see what we are planning, no one can. We can cloak ourselves even from their advanced scrying techniques. We are safe." Nihsun spoke


    "We are not going to waste troops attempting to throw a wrech in the works of other factions. I'm not suicidal enought to attempt an attack on Khywhyss Uss or Isenwood's Spire with what few Gazers we have. We need allies to do that. Allies with powerful weapons and nothing to lose."

    muttered Kallinnin.


    "Yes, allies that will be furious when they learn we helped Kov! They are terrified of the Presence!"


    "When did I ever say others would learn what happened? Kov was travelling to Burwood. That is where he will leave from. All evidance will point to him being helped by the Drakons, not us! And when whe conquer the remaining pockets of Drakon holdings, that is what the documents we unearth will support! Do you take me for a fool, Revak?!" Dantius thundered


    "We need allies. More than that, we need humans, humans in powerful laces, humans that owe us something. Kov will be the first. My deal is simple: I will restore him his peer, and insure he keeps it against the will of the Sholai council, and for that, he will perform the will of the Eyes. There us nothing that can go wrong." he continued.


    "Let it be known that I still do not approve. If you underestimate him, or that thing he controls, we are in a very difficult position"


    "Revak out"




    It was noon the following day. Kov was dressed in his best armor, walking towards the keep with an escort of a dozen Gazers and Gloral-Eye. He eneted the keep, and headed into the main building. He followed a complicated series of twists and turns, until he fult himself go below ground level. He emerged at one end of a vast gallery, with side tunnels leadin off into small rooms with what he recognized as Shaping platforms. He was led the length of the gallery, entering into a small throne room. However, the seat was bare. His guide becomes him to continue. He was lead up a side corridor, until he reaves a massive, barred black gate. Gloral produced a key and unlocked the door. The room was empty save a staircase leading down. Gloral and the guide began to descend. Kov followed. They entered into a narrow warren of tunnels and laboratories. Gazers were everywhere. Finally, ther approached a powerful energy field. Gloral and the guide stopped.


    "Go on through. It's been calibrated not to harm you" spoke Gloral.


    Kov did just that. He felt a slight tingling on his skin. He entered a long, winding corridor. He strode down it. It was quiet here. Barely a sound could be heard.


    Finally, Kov enetred the heart of the complex. It was a large room, perhaps a hundred feet to a side, with three large corridors leading off of it, and conpletley bare save a dais at the exact center. A high-backed chair rested on the dais, and on that chair sat Grandmaster Dantius, leader of the Eyes.




    Dantius was lounging in his chair, meditating and plotting war strategies when Kov approached. He straightened up, and checked to insure everything was in place. Kov entered the room.


    "Ah, Lord Kov. How nice of you to be here. Right on time, too"


    "I'm sure you know why I am here. The Sholai council ran me out of Dillame. I need aid." Kov spoke.


    "But of course. I will provide you all the aid you need to insure your permanaent ascendance as te uncontested leader of the Sholai on Terrestia, so long as you acquiesce to a few trivial demands of mine. Incantrys Terrestia!"


    A map of Terrestia, appeared in the small space between Kov and Dantius. Dantius pointed to a massive blotch of orange covering the entire western coast of Terrestia, with isolated pockets in the Storm Plains, Drypeak, and Illya province.


    "That is the Shaper New Order. One of the more ambitious factions, it has acted rashly as of late- overextending itself military by attempting to exert simoultaneous control of Illya, Drypeak, the Mera Tev, and the Storm plains, while defending themselves from the Doctors to the south, stabilizing and defending both the Citadel and the Nodye Coast, and seeking complete war with all save the ESC, and them only reluctantly. While they could adequately defend themselves from a force of Shock and control eyes, they would be rendered completely helpless by an internal threat- the Presence. In exchange for my help, you must release the Presence deep within Lethia Province, as close to the center of power as possible. Killing some of their generals on the way out would be greatly appreciated, as well. In exchange for doing so, I will provide you with supplies, training, recruits from the Fens, half the canisters I secured when capturing the Fens (680 canisters were captured) and a very powerful magical item of a nature I am not yet willing to reveal. In essence, I will give you the power to retake Illya and the Forsaken Lands, and will send you advance warning of a Sholai fleet, so you will have time to prepare defenses. I think this is not so much to ask, seeing as otherwise, I will expel you into Burwood Province with the few dozen Serviles and humans you travel with, and without the Drakons, you will be forced to negotiate with the New Takers, who I think will be much less... receptive than me. Do you accept?"


    Kov thought about this for a long time. Finally he spoke:


    "Seeing as I have no other options as good as this, I will accept. Very well."


    "Excellent. We will have to move quickly. Your supplies will be waiting at your temporary barracks when you return. Training is available from several of my Gazers in the keep. Do not descend here without my permission- it is forbidden. When you leave, you will head through our well-defended pass to Burwood. You will then head west through the Okanavo, south along the coast, west along the mountains, and into the Citadel itself- we know of a secret tunnel from which the Councillors could escape in danger that will lead you into it. Intelligence indicates that there is a large army of suceptible creations there. You will then release the Presence, enter the citadel, and, in the confusion, you will hopefully be able to assassinate several key figures, such as Ramada or Spddin. You will then leave, and head east until you reach the shore of Lake Terrestia. Then, smash this crystal, and you will be picked up and brought to my island fortress."


    "How? Spddin is one of the most powerful shapers that has ever lived! I am not strong enough to kill him!"


    "That is where I come in. I have, in my possession, a most powerful artifact. Well, four of it, but it is still powerful, nonetheless. I like to call it the Wand of Annihilation. It will fire a beam of magic that will do massive lightning damage to the target, probably killing anything weaker than a Drayk instantly. In addition, it will rain a host of negative effects down on the target: it will stun them, daze those around it, curse, weaken, and slow the target. It should prove quite useful. It has six charges, each to be used as you please. However, I have built several safety features into it. Firstly, it cannot attack a gazer, or anyone with Gazer genes. Secondly, if an attempt to disassemble or magically probe the workings is made, it will detonate, killing all in the immediate area. Finally, in order to insure that it is not replicated, after the final charge is used, a one hour timer set in the wand will activate. After it expires, the very same detonation will take place. Use it wisely, and sparingly as well."


    Dantius rose, and reached into his robe. The instrument he withdrew was about a foot long, made of polished bone. It was covered in rings of runes, dyed a deep brownish red. Instead of a opaque stone set in the top, a large translucent black jewel with many facets shone. It glittered malevolently, as if daring the beholder to pick it up and use it for its given purpose. Kov took the wand, and quickly pocketed it. He bowed to Dantius, turned, and strode out, ready to begin his new journey.

  8. What I always do is buff up, head south, kill the Drakons in the alcove, heal, buff, head east, talk/kill Greta, head north, kill the Gazers, claim my third Create Gazer, head west, kill the other drakons, west some more, do Astoria's quests, then head south and absorb my creations for Eyebeasts, recharge, buff, and then recruit help. Finally, I charge in guns blazing and down he goes.




    I was thinking about the shape of Inner Gazaki Uss when I noticed something peculiar. In most of the games, the final zone is shaped something like an outer ring surround a small central area where the boss resides. In G1 it was The Geneforge, in G4 it was Pit of the Titan, and in G5 it was Inner Gazaki Uss. Thoughts?

  9. Right. The text from the script reads


    Click to reveal..
    This must be the book you learned about in Mera. You flip through it until you find the pages with the marks that were described to you. Then you get some water from a nearby bucket and smudge the writing.";

    text4 = "There is nothing else to do, so you close the book.";

    text5 = "You flip through the book. It looks exactly the same as it did the last time you inspected it


    Even that doesn't help much.

  10. I've been lurking for several months again, and it's standard forum etiquette to not turn a discussion of one thing into something else. Besides, I have concrete evidence that I am not Tullegolar- My IP is different. Ask any bureaucrat whoops you call them admins here (Where I'm from, mods are called Admins, and admins bureaucrats), and they should be able to verify that my IP differs. Hang on a moment, I'll add you to a PM thread where someone asks me that very question. Whoops, I don't know how to do that.

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