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Posts posted by Nefarian

  1. Ugh I just realized something. I was thinking of Tek's Spectral Dirk from Geneforge 2 when I snuck into Dera Reaches at level 34 to get it. I thought it still gave +30% hostile effect resistance and other stuff -.-. Yeah I guess Spectral rapier would be better...I'm gonna have to load back from a looonnnnnggggg ways back though =\

  2. Which of these would you use?

    I'm currently building one right now that's going to try to rely solely on magic, with (hopefully) no melee at all


    Currently I have the Guardian Claymore and Tek's Spectral Dirk right now, and I can get any of the enchantments, seeing how I haven't made any hard decisions yet (I'm still level 34)

  3. Ugh alright. Also, I need some opinions on this matter, Viper's Touch vs. Puresteel Blade vs. Puresteel Soulblade.


    First one has poison effect and poison resist (negligible)

    Second one has highest damage

    Third one has + Quick Action and Parry


    I'm trying to decide whether to use a golden crystal on the puresteel blade or save it for the puresteel soulblade. Reason being is that I think I'm drawing close to the end of the golden crystals, I've enchanted every single piece of my armor with one, and according to the walkthrough, he only found 3, so I'm worried that the one I have now might be the last one left in the game.

  4. Edit: I managed to get past the gauntlet, I made two war tralls but now I only have 52 essence left afterwards, thankfully, I have like 30 essence pods saved. Is there any way to kill the drakon without agroing the two shades? Or vice versa, is there a way to get past the drake without aggroing him and causing him to shape mobs.

  5. Think I have a chance at the rest of the challenge area if I tone down the difficulty to casual down from hard just for the beginning gauntlet? The only thing that really gets me is the stacking magic+lightning aura damage. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have as many problems with the rothidzons with all that armor.

  6. I kind of like my Viper's Touch though...I feel special with it lol. It was a pain to get...assassinating Litalia... It'd be best to keep it for the debuffs right? I mean like putting a Golden Crystal on the puresteel blade, and using it after it after I hit them once with the Viper's Touch since it poisons and acidifies (after the enchant)


    i don't think i can charm with level 3 mental magic though...how high should it be?


    p.s. what would be the advantage of 12 action points over 10? you still only get to attack twice

  7. Ah...so finally I meet the hard wall...what level mental magic would I need to be able to reliably charm the people in the challenge area?


    Currently, I do fine in the beginning gauntlet until the ur-drakons and the corrupted drakon spawn...that stupid lightning debuff keeps getting me -.-


    I have the Quicksilver Bulwark and Firesteel Gauntlets (I'm pretty sure) right now and I can buy the Quicksilver Bulwark


    I have the assassin's boots right now for the +2 action point boost...I thought you can't get above 10 action points despite how many quicksilver items you stacked?

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