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Everything posted by Velzan

  1. Ahhh.... Yet another who requires cheats .. Will it ever end ?
  2. Not another thread about the second continent....
  3. Ahh the titleless story. Perhaps Saraph's Tale?
  4. The Drayk and Drakon were both reptiles. I dont think you can Go from Human to Reptile unless your a shapshifter. Hmm That would be an interesting piece. Shapeshifting Shaper.
  5. The barzites changed themselves into lighting? Well thats just because they used SO many canisters that they're Fleshy forms could not contain it therefor shedding the inferior bodys for Pure energy that was contained in them
  6. Its kind of impossible to shape yourself into an entirely new species. You could. Of course. Simply transfer your soul into a mindless empty drakon shell. its been done with a golem.
  7. Male I cant wait what he thinks of drakons.
  8. I thought Shapers also used Essence for their magic. Except for minor minor spells.
  9. Me hopes it involves Aura of Flames. Also Ima try my hand at a story later on. Maybe once i get some stuff done.
  10. Uhm.... What did the canister do ? A little bit vague on what it improves or allows him to do. This makes me want to start my own story. Id probably just give up after chapter 3 though.. Wayyyy to much to do Atm.
  11. A guardian wouldent be like a trainer.. More like... Traveling with him. It would make good for if he switched back to shapers and the guardian was a rebel or Vice Versa. Also would make for a Great Battle too Also Guardians are not mere Soldiers with fancy names. They can shape
  12. Hmm You never replied to my suggestion Its all shapers... No guardians..
  13. I dont think it was his bro... The soultaker one was 1. Undead. 2. Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Old.
  14. Do you think the shapers care if he kills people? In gf4 you use the Geneforge and they offer you redemption. He dont need canisters. Or he may just kill all
  15. SHHHHH! People are trying to read the Story here. Also Did you expect a Stereotype for the main character? Lol Not all shapers Are Creation Despising Overlords. Some of them Are Creation Despising overlord Despising overlords.
  16. Ahhh Shall the Unbound take place too? P.S. its a beta Guard I dont think he needs canisters. He already has enough rage Lol.
  17. I hope those Who picked (They are all cakewalks) Realize that includes THEM Lol.
  18. Hes made to kill those who try to fight him too early. Cuz hes the Slith Demigod.
  19. Lightning Spray is Very Usefull againsT Demons and undead. And probably the best spell you can use against him at that point. Also I have another predicament I was running My slith perfectionist save and realized I couldent beat the fourth test!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. Had to scrap it.
  20. Nociduas Wasnt Particularly hard With Lightning Spray,Invuln Elixers and Two mages.. And some speed pots. Takes care of that demon Quick then Puts the beat down on Nociduas.
  21. Well. The Title may be Exaggerated a bit but... Check out the poll I think i got it right.. the names. Also, I am Appalled at myself for not posting in Gf5 in so long. I could only think of a few shades too... (Results Will help Calculate Things for the archive too ) Have fun.
  22. Bravo Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Five Stars! Keep Up the Good work I LOVE THE STORY. Hmmm is he More Based towards fire creations?
  23. a4. i Searched the caves no Demonslayer is the Sun symbol the tunnel? *Melp*
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