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Posts posted by K_I_L_E_R

  1. 1. No day/time counter.

    Yes, I know a time counter might not be useful to some, however I am pedantic about how I use my time in game (not in real life).


    2. The tutorial messages.

    Everytime a character dies (yes, I am a save scummer) it displays the dialog on resurrection if I am not quick enough on the double tap F4.

    I played through all the Jeff's previous games, I do not need a tutorial. Where did that option go (turn off tutorial messages)?


    3. (Yes I know I said 2): Anyway to keep doors always open, once opened?

  2. Why use custom built engines when there are a plethora of engines, open source or otherwise, available to use and modify? I would hazard a guess that it is all about cost and the lack of available, but decent, open source game engines.


    Why does Jeff not use LUA or some other very popular scripting engine for his games? This can not be due to cost as I am sure you can use LUA, Python or Javascript without paying royalties for them in commercial ventures.

  3. Jeff's games are strategy based, character positioning is vital. Torchlight is for casual gamers, whilst Jeff's games are for hardcore gamers, and this is very apparent when developing characters and playing the game. I can never play a Spiderweb game for only 30 minutes. When I sit down and play Jeff's games it takes anywhere from two to four hours per sitting. Torchlight I can play from thirty minutes to an hour at a time in order to get anywhere.


    They are very different games, but I prefer the way Jeff creates loot, powerful loot is held in difficult to get places. I would like Jeff's games to have some random loot generation with limited powerful weapons dropping very rarely, as this could make certain encounters easier for those who do not mind the grind.

  4. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires
    A6 might not work well since tablet's graphic adapter ain't that good but A1-A5 could work.

    I'm pretty sure the upcoming ones are more than enough, my only issue is that Jeff may have raised minimum resolution requirements for his recent games.
  5. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires
    what SoT said, only way to see Spidweb-games on Ipad etc is that some1 else recodes games for Ipad etc.

    Also Apple takes their share on sales so ................

    Acer's and MSI's tablets which have Windows os and x86 processor prolly could run SW-games.

    I did not even think of that. Mouse clicks become finger presses. I will definitely buy a tablet and test Avernum 6 on it and tell you guys how it all works with touch.
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