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Everything posted by peko

  1. I noticed that too. It works for more mind effects than just terrified, I don't quite remember with ones I've tested but it works for charmed as well. I will have to try it with dazed and stunned as well though the timing will be more difficult.
  2. Thanks for the answer. I just figured that it being sort of a minor quest I wouldn't have to go up against a dragon to finish it. Oh well, I'll take a crack at him soon.
  3. I just can't seem to find the papers anywhere in Pyrogs lair. No dialog option seem to give any clue to where I can find them, there doesn't seem to be any hidden switches or anything. I don't know what more there is to do. I assume that I won't have to fight Pyrog for the papers.
  4. Upon further testing (reloading) I find that any spot at least in front of Sulfras will work but that was not the case until I had quit and restarted the game. Can't say I remember that from Exile but it has been quite a few years since I played those.
  5. Walking up to a spot north of her worked. The thought that I should take a stroll around the dragon never occured to me.
  6. It was in crystal box in a secret room behind a magic barrier. Edit: In the barracks yeah.
  7. I already taled her into giving me the scepter if I free her, tried all the dialogue options. Also no option to free her when I come near. I only found one key there, are there more than one key in Sulfras lair?
  8. Sulfras says the key needed to free her is nearby, I only found one key (malachite) nearby and I still can't free her. Is there something else I need to do first or what?
  9. I went back and tried, It's actually not the cook but the apprentice who keeps records on all herbs, makes sense. I had a similar idea before and talked to the potion maker but I had forgot about the apprentice. Thanks a lot
  10. They're supposed to be in a crystal box in Egli, I've dispelled the barrier but when I open the box it just says that I have no idea what to do with the different ingredients in it. I used the editor, first to up my arcane lore in case there was some item lore check and then alchemy to see if that would change anything, but no. And just so no one has to ask I have the quest and I have looked through my inventory and special items list just in case. Any ideas? If nothing else helps it would be nice to get the item number for the editor but I would prefer if I didn't have to use it.
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