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Fries with that

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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Okay, so I was in Astoria's faction and got the Shapers' Council quest. Then I decided to join the drakons, so I went to Ghaldring and got the "Four Shapers" quest. I killed Rawal and Alwan (without ever seeing Alwan), but neither Astoria nor Taygen are where they're supposed to be (Alwan might not actually have been there either, but I didn't look in his throne room). I suspect that they are in the Shaper Citadel, which I can't visit without being instantly killed. So I think I was too late in joining the drakons. Is there anything to do to rescue my game?
  2. Originally Posted By: Desmarestia Originally Posted By: Fried with that <rips apart my argument and serves it to me on whole-wheat toast> *chomp chomp* You want fries with that?
  3. Originally Posted By: Desmarestia I can confirm that if an enemy is very far away from you when it dies, you don't get experience. It's annoying, but reducing your enemy to crawling off and dying in a hole isn't a particularly honorable way to fight. On the other hand, you get experience if you send your creations in to do the dirty work while you stand back and watch. Is this any more honorable? (And of course you also get experience if you chase them to their hole to watch them die.) Originally Posted By: Desmarestia Killing one of your own creations should give you experience, because it takes effort on your part. I think you should be rewarded for being clever and devious, not just for effort. And what about this scenario: I cast acid spray, then charm, then watch while a charmed monster dies from acid. This took effort -- indeed my spell may have dealt all of the damage -- yet I don't get any experience for it. Originally Posted By: Desmarestia On the other hand, charmed enemies act on their own so you shouldn't get experience for their kills. If I have a creation without two additional intelligence points, they act on their own, yet I get experience for their kills.
  4. - Is all gained experience listed in the message box? I'm guessing that the answer is yes. - Do you have to be within a certain distance of a dying opponent to gain experience? It seems to me that once or twice I've dosed up an opponent on poison and/or acid; it's run away in one direction, and I've run away (to heal) in the other. I'm far enough away that I don't get any messages about the creature taking damage from acid, and I don't get any message about gaining experience. When I search around, though, the creature is nowhere, presumed dead. - If one of my creations goes rogue and I kill it, do I get experience? (I could test this one myself, but I'm too lazy -- right now I'm focusing on a solo build.) I hope not: having one of my creations go rogue seems like a failure of my abilities as a shaper, and so shouldn't be rewarded. - Conversely, I don't like it that I don't get experience when creatures I've charmed kill other opponents, or when other opponents kill creatures that I've charmed: the only reason they're fighting each other is through my actions, so I should get rewarded when they die by receiving experience. (I had a lot of fun going through Bonepeak Ruins casting Acid Shower and then Mass Madness everywhere, but I didn't get anywhere near as much experience as if I'd tried to carefully pick off the bad guys one at a time.)
  5. Oi. I wish I would learn to read one day. The in-game help says that this information is in the manual included with the game, and indeed it is. Sorry for the noise.
  6. I've been looking for information about how much damage the various battle magic spells do, but with no luck. Presumably it goes up as you raise battle magic, spell craft, and the individual spell? Similarly, are the spoilers/documentation for the effects of the other spells, as well as what happens when you increase levels in mental magic, blessing magic, or healing magic? -- currently playing a solo battle-magic focused agent
  7. I'm doing the Trakovite version, after doing the previous quests in their chain, and it wouldn't let me complete it until I completed Alwan's Gazaki-Uss quest. Now that I've finished that one, I was able to complete the Trakovite Core B quest.
  8. Do I have to do the Gazaki-Uss quest before I finish this one? Maybe that's the issue, because while I can say "I want to talk to you about the Shaping arts", I can't have the rest of this conversation.
  9. I have a different problem with this area: I've killed everything, but now what do I do to complete the quest (received from the Trakovites)? According to the quest description, I'm supposed to talk to Alwan, but my conversation choices with him don't seem particularly helpful. If I go back to the person who gave me the quest, she just describes the quest as if I hadn't done it.
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