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Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. Ah thanks for the link. It turned out to be in a part of the map that I just hadn't gotten around to yet. It wasn't even hidden - just a small corridor off the main wall. You would think the walkthrough might have mentioned "on the other side of the river."
  2. I am having a hard time finding the final cache location for the scimitar quest. I've looked at the walkthrough, but it is either too imprecise, or I am missing something. Can someone point me to the location of the final one (the outdoor tile it's on, nearby landmarks, general location within the tile, etc.)? Here are the ones I've found: 1) Fort Dranlon tile - west of the fort, near a swamp 2) Fort Dranlon tile - north of the fort, in a small, water-accessible cove 3)Grahk Peninsula tile - NE of the small Empire outpost (this is the one that is accessible from the beginning). 4 Grahk Peninsula tile - NE quadrant of the map, through a secret passage east of the abandoned mine. From the walkthrough, it looks like #5 ought to be on the Grahk tile too, but I haven't seen it, and I've been around it a few times with farsight. If anyone knows, they have my thanks - this is driving me nuts.
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