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About vanedor

  • Birthday 07/18/1981

vanedor's Achievements

Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. Quote: Originally written by Ishad Nha: Use the Editor, type Shift + D, this brings up the Editor. Then type "backtostart" and hit Enter, leave out the quotation marks. This takes you back to Blackchasm Outpost. Thanks... but actually, I was looking for a way to do it without cheating... and I'm glad, I finally found it!
  2. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: This is a tricky one so if you have a save before entering the central chamber where you get possessed then go back to town using the egress to raise your party. Well, seems like I made the mistake to go down this pit... obviously, my character is way too low level for the most difficult fights of this place. How can I actually leave this place without reloading back up?
  3. Did this quest... found the three pylon, walked to each of them in the right order (north-west, center, south-east) but when I returned to the tower after quite a few reload and all... Malachite didnt tell me that I had completed the quest. Are you suppose to have any message when you touch a pylon? How do you touch them? I'm kinda puzzled here.
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