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Everything posted by Hozz

  1. So the numbers in the first post, those are the skill costs and not the actual skill values? If so, the post ought to be edited to say that or someone should start a new, more informative thread that has the costs, if that is indeed what triggering the unlocks is based on. Its not easy (for me) to tell where skill points are coming from, whether trained or from traitis...when you click a trait it does not tell you how much its boosting a given skill.
  2. Ok but how do you tell what you are gaining from skills and traits? Items are easy enough to see but racial stuff and trait stuff...
  3. The values listed to unlock the skills do not seem to be accurate for my guys. I have a Mage with 7 int and 9 Mage spells and she can access Magery. I have a Priest with 8 int and 8 priest spells, and she can not. Each of them has the bonus trait that makes them a better mage or priest, respectively. Pure Spirit for the Priest and whatever the Mage one is called.
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