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Everything posted by Helice

  1. Hm. Okay... what if I've already made it to the point in the storyline where Ghirka has been abandoned?
  2. I'm just about to tackle Zkal's tower and energy potions would be reeeally handy... unfortunately, the only two potion recipes I'm missing are for energy and strength potions (and Knowledge Brew, but never mind that). These seem like fairly basic potions and only require potion-making skill levels of 3 and 4 respectively, so I'm guessing they're available fairly early on... can anyone help me remember where to find these recipes?
  3. I just registered my copy of Avernum 3 and I've been packing a few research tomes for Walner at Portal Fortress for the last thirty (game time) days at least - I've been to Portal Fortress two or three times and haven't been able to find Walner anywhere! I have the quest, so I must have spoken to him at some point, but now he's scampered off to some hidey-hole somewhere and I can't find him. Where is he?
  4. I killed the swamp monster(s) in the Azure Gallery, but I can't find Koramorr to end the quest. I've been all over Highground and the Gallery floor, and had no luck. Where does this elusive individual hide?
  5. Right now my inventories are absolutely full of rings, necklaces, belts and cloaks that provide every conceivable level of resistance for combat. I really want to get rid of some, but I'm thrown over exactly what "energy resistance" is all about. What/which spells/attacks use energy? Or which monsters?
  6. I've just met Greldyan in the Lake of Trials area. I don't want to kill her, but she's got a hoard ripe for the looting! What self-respecting adventurer can pass that up? I tried to walk past her, but no dice. Is there any way around her (ie: more secret passages through slimy caves) or is a fight my only option? And if I have to kill her, are the rewards worth the trouble?
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