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Posts posted by Jerakeen

  1. Yes, Capture and Recall both now work perfectly. Now if only Bind Foe would function--the animation runs and I might even get a message about such-and-such cleaning webs, but it doesn't seem to slow them down for even a moment. I don't know enough about it to tell if there's something wrong with the code:




    set_char_status(who_is_custom_item_target(),6,2 + (3 * get_flag(292,1)) + ((get_stat(who_used_custom_item(),2) + get_stat(who_used_custom_item(),11) + get_stat(who_used_custom_item(),25)) / 5),0,1);


    It would be nice to have, but not essential to the game. Thanks.

  2. Well, I got through the pits anyway, gradually, with judicious summoning and Major Hasting, and lots of missiles and healing. I would like to tell Kass where to stick his tapestry, but oh well. An interesting thing happened when I tried to Capture Soul again after acquiring a second level of it: a hostile null appeared--luckily it was equally useless. I guess I can do without these spells.

  3. I'm fairly new at this, so this may have been covered before, but I'm having issues with the special spells in Exodus. Ok, I admit the slime pit has me completely stymied. I checked the hints and found them unhelpful. To wit: Bind Foe doesn't seem to slow them down at all; Destruction I unfortunately missed getting; most irritating of all is that Capture Soul doesn't work! Any attempt to use it results only in the appearance of a useless humanoid object identified only as a "null". It doesn't do anything except die. All four of my slots remain empty, so I can't use Recall Soul.

    Up to now, I got by without these spells just fine, but now it appears that I need them--does anybody know what the problem is?

    Also, can anyone tell me if there is a finite number of slimes? Maybe I could stand at the entrance and try to pick them off a few at a time. Nothing else has worked.


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