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Posts posted by pitchblack

  1. Originally Posted By: Thuryl
    There's literally no good technical reason not to use a long, though. Is saving two bytes of memory really that important?

    Back in the time of Exile 1, it did make a (very small) difference.

    I think Jeff isn't changing it because he would have to find all the times the 'money' integer is used and change it to a long. Not fun.
  2. Whew, do I smell fetid rot and decay here? How many times has this thread been resurrected?



    Originally Posted By: Mistb0rn
    I recently finished reading the Mistborn trilogy since the final book just came out. I must say, the ending seemed a bit deus ex machina. It was an extremely good book until it got to the end, which was very disappointing.


    Dammit, I know to look for some sort of surprise now. Ahem, just finished the second book.


    Also reading Infinity's Shore, the second book of the second series in the Uplift universe.

  3. My turn to play devil's advocate, then?


    Ok, well, saying that the value of the individual is important does not qualify either mental of battle magic as the least immoral. And I propose that it doesn't really matter which is more moral or more immoral, due to the fact that the subject in question is going to wind up dead anyway, so why bother?


    But, if we resume the argument as is, even if you do take over people using magic, what is to say that they realize what they are doing? If you are able to take over someones mind, then surely you should be able to induce some sort of euphoric bliss so the mind doesn't realize what it is doing.


    On the other hand, with battle magic, especially the nastier types, the subject suffers. Being covered in a spray of acid or a cloud of lightning is not exactly my opinion of a good way to die.

  4. Yeah.


    Unfortunately, I moved this, year, and in order to be on the team at the school I'm currently going to, you have to take the class. And while that's perfectly acceptable with me, I couldn't change my schedule, so, I didn't do it this year.


    So I haven't really kept up on the topics. smile

  5. I love the 'perfect' argument. So hard to defend against when it makes sense. Unfortunately, it doesn't make sense that often.


    And playing devil's advocate is fun, and you don't always lose. Just when you purposely take the side that is harder to support, but those times are the most fun.


    And I admit, you almost had me before I remembered my 'Perfect Innocence' argument from the death penalty topic last year.


    EDIT: Also, did you notice that somewhere that turned from the manipulation to the individual as an individual to manipulation of an individual as a part of the whole?

  6. Read Animal Farm, not 1984... so can't make comparisons there.


    But you are talking about a perfect society. Now you've run into the problem that creating a perfect society is impossible, as there are no perfect people to lead it. Theoretically, it might be possible under the direction of an AI (a whole other ball game), but under humans, who always make mistakes, this is impossible. Therefore, the manipulation of others on a societal scale (individual scale is a whole other argument again) is immoral due to the fact that it is not possible to do it in a way that makes everyone content.


    Take this for example. Communism is, on paper, the perfect society. But, in all attempts at the execution of communism, it has failed due to the fact that the leaders (or manipulators) are human and therefore fallible. The only surviving communist states today are all totalitarian regimes.

  7. Did you manage to pull that off? I mean, in the words of Winston Churchill, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have already been tried"...


    Also, you cantrdict yourself. You state that the revolutions happened because the middle and lower classes see that someone is better off, not because they are unhappy. But in order to really want something that someone else has, doesn't that imply by nature that you are unhappy with what you have because you do not have what the other person has?


    Also, while I agree that the idea of public education is moral, id the execution that we have currently really moral? See, for example, much gang violence in larger cities, very high dropout rates, etc. But the exectution is the fault of our society, which in turn is dictated by the manipulators.


    And if you say that those high school dropouts are happy, think again. The only reason that we have not had any revolutions yet (since the Civil War, at least), is that the malcontents have not reached a large enough critical mass.


    EDIT: All this, of course, applies to the U.S. I'm not sure about other places.

  8. My name, usually something that sounds appropriately fantasy-like to me.


    However, I usually name all my creations and stick with the names throughout the game. My original Fyora is Fyona, and by the time I get to drayks, I'm usually at Fyona IV or V. Same for battle (Usually Thug) and Magic (No set name here).

  9. But if you look at human history again, when are the manipulated usually happy with the short end of stick? Look at the English Revolution of the 1600's, the internal strife in the Roman empire right beofre it fell, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the October Revolution, the fall of the Soviet Union... I can go on if you want me to. The point is, even if people achieve a state of happiness for a short time with manipulators watching over them, they eventually grow discontent, and rebel.


    EDIT: I will admit that the manipulated leaders of all these rebellions eventually go back in the end to become the new manipulators, but all this does is continue the bloody cycle.


    EDIT 2: Man, I really would like to meet you in a debate tournament. That would be a fun round. : )

  10. Originally Posted By: Paladin95
    Furthermore, the continually rising standard of living over the last ten-thousand years is evidence that the ability to manipulate others has in fact been used for the good of humanity rather than to damage it. I thus maintain that manipulation is not only inherently moral, but that it tends to be used for moral purposes. Any immoral uses of control are the exception, while benevolence (or at least mutual benefit) are the rule.

    But if you look at the difference of the quality of living between the manipulators and the manipulated, you will see a very large gap. The standard of living has only increased over the years because the manipulators are seeking to increase theirs, and as they find new things, the old ones slowly trickle back to everyone else.
  11. Yes, but these people can be manipulated by those with both good intentions (Martin Luther King) of bad (Hitler). So, if manipulating those who are easy to manipulate is moral, then if is again immoral for the possibility of using this to perform immoral acts. Either way, the idea of mind control is immoral, and so id the idea of manipulating others, because even if it isn't inherently immoral, it is used more often than not for controlling and immoral purposes..

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