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Posts posted by Sporefrog

  1. In this case, it was accurate information (that she had the flaming sword) that got her killed, so your own advice isn't sounding that good tongue


    straight lies!


    Seriously though, making an alliance seems like a coinflip -- you are at a serious advantage if it works, and you're screwed if it doesn't.

  2. I'm amazed at how fast the game went with only 3 days. I figured at the very least you had gotten lucky and picked Andraste for your ability on day 1, and that that was how Andra died. I'm stunned that you were able to on day 2 kill one anama, and on day 3 kill another anama without ever using your ability successfully.


    I don't know who trusts you enough to share whatever info you got, but that just seems really incredible.


    As far as figuring you were the hunter, we narrowed down a bunch of the other roles and then compared that with both of our PMs with you. We figured that you were either the hunter, or else one of the other few roles capable of killing an Anama. I'm still just amazed that after 3 days and never using your ability, you wipe us out entirely, even with a warding crystal used. I was going to attack you the following day had somebody else not killed you (or rez Andra if they had) because I figured at the very least you'd use your ability first instead of just immediately attacking.


    Great job playing, I guess, whoever did figure Andra out. I never told anyone that I was an anama to try to recruit, nor did Andra. We never even gave any hint, I did nothing but give false information to everybody.

  3. RCCCL - me and andra were amazingly sure you were the anima hunter right after she died. If I resurrected her, I assumed you'd just kill her again instantly since everyone knows when I use resurrect. So I tried to wait 24 hours on my warding crystal to see if you might die, then I was going to attack you.


    Edit: Also, how did you manage to find out either of us were anima? I assume you gave Marl the wand of death to kill me.

  4. Yeah, I absolutely did not want to go on a killing spree, but felt like I had no choice after 3 of my potential targets died on the first night.


    I agree with all proposed changes by *i so far -- thanks for running the game, too!

  5. So, I'm trying to do the quest The Purity Agent for the Trakovites. I'm supposed to release some of his disease to kill creations in order to let everyone see how horrible he/the shapers are, so I assumed I'd go to the purity workshop, the place they're making the agent in. After hours of talking to Platano, flipping switches, and talking to Taygen, I am at a loss. Any hints?

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