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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Thanks Celtic Ministrel. I have a noname Laptop. I will try to contact the author, good idea. Regards, Claudio
  2. The "Fn"-Key "4"/"left" is on the normal key "u", which i need to open the "use"-dialog. But even when i would forget about the "use-dialog: the navigation via Fn-controls does not work properly either. I think it is simply a matter of keymapping, where Avernum 1 & 2 has a different mapping than 3, 4, 5. So maybe the programmers can fix this in a newer version? Regards, Claudio
  3. Quote: Originally written by Iffy says Hell is overrated: Can't you plug in a mouse to it? There are laptops in which you can do that... In my 1st post i wrote this: Quote: Hi, i'm sitting at Avernum 1 and like to walk by using the keyboard-arrows ... In my 2nd post i wrote this: Quote: ... and i don't like to use the mouse, since Avernum is a game designed for keyboard, that is one of its great features. In my 3rd post i wrote this: Quote: I love Avernum for beeing not "point-n-click"-like, so id like to use the keyboard for navigation. Do i have to repeat it a 4th time? Regards, Claudio
  4. The "numpad-method" does not work properly. When i press "7" the character moves, but on pressing "4" it does not move at all, instead, the "use"-window pops up ... Moreover, I've reinstalled Avernum 1 and it did not solve the problem. I've installed some other Games: Avernum 1: no correct navigation Avernum 2: no correct navigation Avernum 3: correct navigation[1] Avernum 4: not tried Blades of Avernum: correct navigation[1] Avernum 5: not tried Nethergate: correct navigation[1] [1] the character moves according to directions of the isometric underground Im using Windows XP. So there is no solution for this problem? I love Avernum for beeing not "point-n-click"-like, so id like to use the keyboard for navigation. Cheers, Claudio
  5. Quote: It sounds like maybe your keyboard somehow moves you NE-SE-SW-NW, which would make navigation difficult. Exactly, that's it! I would like to navigate North-East-South-West, as it is in Nethergate (i have this one installed too, and i can walk straght in that game). Quote: Usually arrows move you in the cardinal directions by the map, which looks diagonal on the screen but actually works better most of the time. You can use the mouse for 8-directional movement or invest in a full keyboard. As i said, in Nethergate you move indeed in the directions of the map. But in Avernum 1 you don't, you move in the absolute directions, which is unpleasant (is it a bug? I thought all games are basing on the same engine, so why are the directions differently mapped?). I have a laptop, so i can't use another keyboard, and i don't like to use the mouse, since Avernum is a game designed for keyboard, that is one of its great features. Regards, Claudio
  6. Hi, i'm sitting at Avernum 1 and like to walk by using the keyboard-arrows, but my laptop has only 4 buttons: "up", "down", "left", "right", so is there any solution to this? It would be great, when the characters would actually walk straight left when i press "left" but they don't, they walk queer ... you know what i mean? When i'm standing beside a door i can't walk straight in, sometimes i can't walk in at all. Regards, Claudio
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