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Everything posted by eyebalic

  1. About 7 years ago, I opened a small ox of cornpops (or whatever they're called) and pulled out a small cd. I put the cd into my computer to see what it was, and found around one-hundred demos of old pc shareware games. Well, I skimmed down, and one certain one caught my eye, Exile 3. I played it, and loved it. ALTHOUGH, I was only 8 years old and my parents didn't trust anyone with a credit card back then So... I discovered the cd recently, and was brough here to this site, where I found out that Avernum was a remake of the trilogy... quadrilogy... whatever. I tried the Avernum 3 demo and didn't find it was fun. So, for those who've beaten both games or played through them far, which one was better? I noticed alot of changes in gamestyle, like no dual-weilds in avernum 3 (what were they thinking) However, I'd like to play the game with more features, and a more submersive style of gameplay. The four character limit doesn't seem to fun in avernum. So I'd like to know, what's best in the long-run? Your opinion will affect what I buy, so, yeah.
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