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Everything posted by obliza

  1. Thankyou! Other things that make me wonder... Hitchance is universal? Crit Chance is universal? (No meele, magic difference) Are goldbars,gems,etc used for crafting or anything? 'Golden Runestone' makes all attacks do more damage So meele,missle,magic and all abilities? Critique. This game gives no hints as to whether or not anything is useful. It is really quite annoying, I don't get how it makes good gameplay because all it means is that you get to somewhere and they say 'If you have x,y,z then I will make you this item' and you think 'Oh..probably should not of vendored that.. Although I noticed Drake Skin has the information on it which I was glad about. Also 'Battle Frenzy' does not mean anything to me...is there a list somewhere for what all spells do? I once again don't see how it makes good gameplay for things to have no information on them.. For example, haste increased chance to get extra action points im guessing? So does battle frenzy? I have all these potions and without experimenting by using several of them over and over to see the different effects I can't tell which is better or useful. If it just said on the potion, or in the quite, or if I could pull up information on items... Also the skill system seems really 'random' There is no progression or synergy of the skills it seems. For example, Razordisk Ninja..has to level up meele abilities to become stronger? and vise versa. I'm all for synergy when it comes to abilities, it should make sense. All of the above is just my opinion on how the game can be better otherwise I love all these games.
  2. For example I put 8 Points in Firebolt. I put two points in Battle Specialization. (+2 on Firebolt) Does Firebolt do more damage? 8+2=10 Or is it capped at 8? Meaning the extra two points do nothing. Or do I just put 6 Points in and 2 Points in Battle Spec and it maxes?
  3. One thing Avernum really lacks is music. Games are rated on Graphics Music Gameplay Effects The music effects are good but the game really lacks every other musical aspect. If you would like a composer I suggest you contact this guy. http://www.robwestwoodmusic.com/ If you want some samples of his work try this. http://www.almora.robwestwoodmusic.com/fast/index.php
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