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Everything posted by whoever

  1. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: Yes you can edit scripts. Check the editors that have been made for the game in the Avernum 4 header. I think it might give you what you want. Where is the AV4 header?
  2. Is there a way to edit the scripts to increase the number of items for sale? Specifically, I'd like more energy elixirs, but I've purchased all of them in all the stores. All of the stores have limited amounts for sale. Is there a way to change this?
  3. Say I'm going into battle and I know that I want to get all items with a cold resistance. Or with a poison resistance. Right now, I'm just sifting through items one by one. I've been thinking of putting items into a database or something, but thought I'd ask people here if they have the same problem and how they deal with it.
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