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keeper off

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Everything posted by keeper off

  1. OK, thx, Rezilla workes fine . Better than GraphicConverter I used befor...
  2. Ooh, i just love BoE, but no particular scenario. ( I can't remember all I've played either.)
  3. Can you tell me how it's done for a mac user?? Prehaps anyone could explain how a little bit more how it's done (the blades scenario editor docs just confuses me even more) If i make a scenario called "swords.exe" Then the custom graphic should be called "swords.meg", right?
  4. Hi I was woundring if anyone, could make it so you can have more terrain types. Default you can only have 241 diffrentin in one scenarion. Is it possible to chance it so that you can have more? ( with more wall sets ect...) And add all kinds of graphics into the "Blades of Exile graphics" (Terrain, dialog, monsters, items, as much as it's able 2) And one more thing, making so that you can have Vahnatais in your party ... If you do so, e-mail me at: sulfras@hotmail.com (let me know)
  5. Aaaaaa, i really works, thx thx thx Octavio
  6. Need help. I'm really no good at computors, how do i get the source code work'n? Ps:I have mac (if that helps...)
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