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Agent Dove

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Everything posted by Agent Dove

  1. Just wouldn't be Geneforge without shaping . Dove
  2. Quote: Originally written by Eugi: If you have the FAQ memorized you wouldn't have quite those stats for an agent and, potentially, not so much difficulty either. Other than a failed attempt to ridicule, your point is what? The faq is a guide to one way to do it, and points are given to spend and develop your character as you wish. I finished the game fine, thanks, Ornk Lord. Agent Dove
  3. *grins* I came back after using the Geneforge and finally got through it and got to see it all. Saved the file near the end so I could see what would happen if I went with Trajkov, didn't and used it and destroyed it, or used it and did not destroy it. I also tried to not use it and destroy it. Interesting endings. I like the Agent best, Guardian second. Tried the Shaper but got tired of tripping over my creations and being such a weakling, hiding behind them. I decided the best ending for me would have been to take the boat and row into the sunset... ...and the SHAPERS! Well, they didn't handle their own business right, and then blamed everyone else for thier own stupidity and the fallout. Typical politics. I'd aligned with no one, so maybe that would have shifted the ending as well. But, in the end, I think my Agent was right, not "off" to hate everyone *grins*. It was not the fault of the Geneforge, but because there are so many ornk rears in the world. (Inferior ones at that). Absolute power is never trusted unless you hold it yourself, eh? Good game and imaginative, Jeff. I'd love to write a storyline for you to develop a game from... I need to see how hard it would be to learn how to write one myself, and then decide how badly I want to "shape" it into reality... 2,3 and 4 await, but I have to catch up on real life for a while before I move on. Thanks for being so friendly here, fellow Rebels and Shapers. Agent Dove
  4. Thanks for the ideas! I am entering from the East, so it's pretty rugged, and as yet I haven't gotten to the servant mind or had to worry about more than one pylon. I get ganged up on by five and six of the little dragon things at a time *eep* plus glaaks and a few Battle Betas. I took a break and cleaned out Central Labs of those thieving humans *grins*. As an agent, I haven't had creations throughout the game, have been alone unless I really needed the help a couple times, like on the Crypt. The Vlish got bitten, and my other guys did their best but we had to flee or die - I've died a couple times already here and don't die that often, actually. Exp points are hard to come by, even on quests and most of those are done to get this far. I guess I'll keep going back and killing things and gaining levels, but I don't see that much increase in my battle magic anymore when I level up, that's why I was asking if there is some other area I should be adding to. I have basically memorized the faq in the course of play so far, and think I have it as balanced as I can and still function on most areas. Yep, have the cresent stone, too *grins*. Just rather doubt right now I'll need to use it and maybe should just go on towards the Geneforge and be done with it. Did have hopes to take out Goetsch though, but haven't found him. .... haven't tried really hard though. Anyway, will keep on keeping on. Agent Dove _____________________ ~Shapers or Sholai? I'm on MY side.
  5. Hi Everyone *waves wildly* I am just getting walloped in the Shaper Crypt and can't think how to EVER get through this level, though it has been good for popping into and killing a few and staggering out before I die for EXP points. It's one of the only places I can even get them at this point. The notion of even surviving to SEE one spawner there seems delusional. My Agent (level 21) stats are: Str - 7, Dex - 6, Int - 8, End - 7. Combat: Melee - 6, Missile - 3, Quick - 5, Anat - 2. Magic: Battle - 16, Mental - 6, Bless - 6, Spell - 11. Shaping: Fire - 1, Battle - 3, Magic - 1, Heal - 4. General: Lead - 12, Mech - 13, Luck - 9. Any suggestions as to how to beef up my attacks to ever get through this? Even with a Battle Beta and/or a few Phantom Thads, it's not happening, and with the spawners at work cranking out more, I never get ahead when I come back, either. Thanks, Agent Dove
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