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Posts posted by Mortimer

  1. Well see as Athron apparently finds some male dragon to have a brood(sp?) with I doubt it ... unless she's just saying that so the humans don't guess on dragon reproduction.


    I think I remember the initial description of X in Exile was that he/she was ambigious and you couldn't tell becuase he/she was shrouded in cloaks and darkness and had a raspy voice and stuff. Maybe she just has a convinent spell for a particuliar time of the month or something.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Overwhelming:
    I've announced it in the site. Btw, I would also like to know if there is a PC version in progress. Anyone (*cough*Mortimer*cough*)?
    I can start looking over it next week when I can get a new computer that I can install my copy of C++ on. Alright? alright! stop baggering me! :p

    At anyrate, if Isaac is releasing a new beta I might as well wait to get the source code for that.
  3. Well im not sure if I should post since im really just playing with the unregistered editor and writing lots of plotnotes.


    Legacy of the Warlord, will have around a dozen towns/dungeons, a few newish graphics and scripting quality is yet to be decided. It will be a low level adventure that shouldn't take to long to complete (its a starter scene idea after all).


    The story is based during the time of Avernum 2, where your a small band of Empire Soldiers sent to take care of a problem on the surface concerning an Ogre uprising.

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by bleusoul:
    Next one who complains about my nephilim, let me see your alternate set.
    I wasn't complaining I was just saying that the top one is looking a tad .... Garfield-esque. But really they are pretty good, just one more suggestion on the Archer though, maybe a quiver of arrows over his back may look cool to?
  5. Anything special you want made up out of those catagories?


    Nice graphics bleu, the Nephil are a smidgeon to plump though, in my opinion. The plan nephil and archer also look a tad short (sorry, felt like being abit of a critic, don't mind me)

  6. Quote:
    Originally written by LUEshi:
    Originally written by Overwhelming:
    *sigh* When will someone port it to PC? Unfortunately I know no programming...
    I think we'll have to wait *sigh* anyway, I'm getting used to the 2d editor.
    Give me to late september(when I have a new computer and some C++ software) and I'll see if I have the know whats to do it. No promises though, just saying im looking into it. (im not to experienced but I have access to alot of help).
  7. I have no idea if this can be done and I've only played around with BoA editor using the demo. But I would of hoped there was a much more "user friendly" interface when it came to editing and creating the basics such as monsters, items and such, similiar to what was in BoE. Just as someone new to the editor it gets alittle daunting when all this needs to be written in somewhere.


    If this is available it seems to be incredibly hard to find and not very obvious. Sorry if this isn't relevant as I see most of these posts are about adding new scripts in. But I thought I'd at least make my suggestion.

  8. From the few things I can tell from Avernum is that several Vampires enjoy the challenge of a hunt, the more powerful they are the more powerful their prey needs to be (richer blood in Heroes or something?). I think that just goes along with the typical vampiric arrogance of being better the mortals.


    But yeah theres tonnes of fiction you could use, Warhammer had it that vampires where originally from an ancient human culture that degraded into necromancy and death worship, certain individuals began drinking elixirs of blood that prolonged life, as time went on they became addicted and yeah, turned into vampires.


    They also had it that as vampires grew in power they became more resilent to the common weaknesses (garlic and stuff) and where able to summon up dark storm heads or darkness to protect them from sunlight during the day. So yeah, just whatever you like basicly...

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