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Posts posted by shadowss

  1. Vlish telekineses isn't solely limited to shapers, in G3 at dhonal's keep(west side) you kill a vlish which was inhabiting a warehouse, and the woman who gave the quest said:(QOUTE)

    "And here's the strange thing. Don't think I'm crazy, but something isn't right in there. hen I'm in there, things are strange, and too cold. I keep trying to make myself think it's my imagination, but I don't know"

    -i think im gonna make a collection of "shaper notes" of the creations from all 4 versions

  2. 1) I copied-Pasted the coding for the "Geneforge zone: ainto the southern bridge in the first island of G3 LOL...the ornks are taaking as if they were serviles etc..

    2) i played a joke ona firend and changed the quest text, eg- "when you talk to the "shaper" outsid eof the school- hi <name of my friend> i am a hacker. i am currently downloanding 100 visuses on your harddrive, beware my dragons can fry your harddrive.

    <i "inserted" sum coding for

    -"FVCK U!....- - 30 all stats+mess up everything"

    -can i join you?--+ 99 every variable +mess up everything)


    - he was so confused LOLOLOLOL

  3. Quote:
    This is Jeff's world, and while I'm sure he may appreciate the fact that there are people out there willing to give him ideas, this is his playground. If you want to help give ideas then do so, by all means
    thats what this topic is for... + if you r not Jeff then how can you speak for Jeff? but also
    If you have loads of ideas, by all means transfer them into a scenario for BoE/BoA, or give them to a scenario designer if you don't want to do them yourself. Or make your own game with your ideas.
    most people have ideas for games/patches,etc yet they dont have the programming abilites and/or an art team...
    EDIT: i may be new but i know thier are alot of legality issues
    but I severely doubt that he will pay them any attention (there are legality issues amongst others).
    which is why i ask everyone to completly forfiet credit to the idea.
  4. how about a multiplayer version of the game


    details: you can create you game (statistsic for your character)

    possibly carry out expirements: EX(in the Darkstone mines they tried to create an upgrade of the golem...G3)

    you still have the faction AND HOSTILITY to cities and/or faction when loading the character file...

    --how to allow others to do quests when another player have destroyed the spawner/vat/creature, etc:

    you respawn the spawner/vat,etc, and set it to neutral to the player that has already completed the quest...EX:(in GF2 the zone "Kss-Urg's valley" the spawners creates the creations'but once killed the area is safe to pass, yet if you(player1) come back it is the same. This wouldn't work in a MM version, so a MM verison of it would be that once you(player1) kill the spawners and creation , you(player2) can leave and come back but all of the respawns would be nuetral to you, since you have already killed it... if Player 2 comes in to kill the spawners then the creation would be set to hostile to player to yet be neutral to player 1--

    EDIT: i revised it to make it more legible, please escuse my typos

  5. If the Geneforge series is to continue then the ideas that each new verison has needs to be nice and fresh, sooo why don't we give spiderweb software some things to work with...post any/all ideas here


    --I do understand that their is a legality proablem with us posting ideas on forums... so...--


    solution: if spiderweb software is going to use the idea, then they may encounter legality problems, mostly i think with the credit of the idea...

    i think it would be in everybodys best interests to:




    Does anyone agree to this or disagress or have a seperate solutions?

  6. typically when you ae fighting a large horde of monsters + a large number you haven't fought yet the entire "round" takes much longer becasue each and every single creature has to go about its turn...


    turning the AI on would make this go much faster, although the results can be unpredicable...

  7. well in "Gamewinners" the cheat lists are not always reliable... for example:

    if you go to the G2, G3 pages then you would see this line

    "Turn current area green on Sucia Island world map clearthisarea"

    in G1 u r in Sucia Island but not in G2 nor G3... some of these cheats don't work becuase they are not compatible for the version of the game... i have found that not many works in "all" 3 versions.

  8. i thought that the mac and Windows versions were coming out in different dates, first mac then windows;


    (WOW)Burning crusade and G4 for mac , PS3, WII are released.

    G4 for windows


    ??is this the order of releases??

    plase make any and all corrections.... it may help others... and myself... laugh

  9. Funny because I play both wow and Gneforge, but if i had to make a choice, G all th way sicne ive been playing it for 3+ years


    actually if you think about...

    geneforge is much more relaxing, but if you want to be with more "live" players than u could do WOW

  10. for the servile spy quest... you shoudl say where, if you are talking about in Sanru, u need to get a wooden ring in the eastenr corner of the map,

    beware the guards may become hostile, they'll give u one chance to go...


    and about lankan, i think u can destroy the canister when u find it... or it may be that when u talk to him when u have the canister you chose the option ""You draw a blade, step forward, and smash the canister before Lankan can touch it. The charged essence oozes onto the wooden floor, and begins to bubble. Soon, it has evaporated entirely.";

    text2 = "Lankan screams. He falls to his knees, clasps his hands to his head, and wails. _No! Curse you, Shapers! Curse you! Why must you do this to us? Why can you never show us any mercy, give us any hope?_";

    text3 = "He keeps ranting, spittle flying from his lips. _You will pay for this. Pay for the deaths, the monsters, all you have done to us! You will die!_ He draws his blade and charges. And his fellow rebels are eager to protect him.";


    he becomes hostile at this point.

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