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Lord Safey

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Posts posted by Lord Safey

  1. The problem with the geneforge and cansiters is it cause you to be jealous and parniod of anyone who is any where near your level of powet and if you have more then one person use the geneforge you have something called mutually assured destruction. This is or will be a serious problem the drakons and drayks are going to have. Thier are all power hungery, jealous, and parnoid. Should more then one use the geneforge you then you have something called mutally assured destruction.

  2. If become power hungry you need to go all out. When you make everyone your enemy then it is porably a good idea to get all the cansiters and modifcations you can get your hands on. If you stick with one group then its proably I good idea to stick with their ideals. The problem with the mindset canisters and the genoforge give you is that you can't trust anyone and makes life real complicated.

  3. prehaps we should be able to use vats. They would create more stable creations. It would use up less essnces. You could make more things such as servant minds, serviles, liveing tools, spawners, turrets and other complex creations as well as normal creations. It would take awhile to make a creation this way. Time could be detirme by actual playing time, areas cleared/travel or combination of both. Creations created in a vat would be permenat if release in to area. Also the would give much less essence if asorbed.


    P.S. can anyone come up with an idea for what a servile or servant mind could be used for.

  4. Well the idea would make essence pods more valuable. If you worried about unbalanceing the game you could make essence pools harder to access. I agree the life span sould be minimized. They should fade away after you leave the map. Another way is that the amount of endurance deterime how long the creation last. Also how much intelegence you give your creature should determine its AI. Creatures with a lot of intelegence tend to heard stuipder creations and have hostile tendencys once realeased toward every thing in general (execpt what they may be hearding). Stuiped creations would be more likely to be neutral. Any chacter (doesn't matter if you created or not) with enough intelegence can take control over a creation you realse. You should also be able temporay inlist creations made by spawners. Said creations would not count toward your total possible creations, disappear when you leave the map and loyalty would depend on your intelgence, their injuries, the number of oppents and, what ever mental spells your enemy may use.

  5. On creations that you created you have the options of developing it should it have skill points or asorbing it. Another option should be to realse it. If you realse a creation you would have no control over it. It would become rouge and go hostil against the first thing that approachs it. If you realse a creation you don't get the essence from it but it doesn't lower your totale essnce you can have. It would be good if you wanted to repoulate an area with rouges say if you want to train your chacter more. Or to harass a very powerful enemy.

  6. To use the geneforge you have to go kill some errant shaper on the top left par of the island (or at least steal his shapeing gloves). Then head back the place with the geneforge (make sure you read the book in the middle). Will need to kill that Sholi guy (forgot his hame). If you have enough leadership you should beable to make him leave behind his creations makeing him real easy to kill.

  7. No side has any moral backing. They have excuses yes but esstincaly both sides have done their share in unaccidental killings of innocents. Both are fighting for the survial and superimacy and will stop at nothing to have it. So I choose my favorite based on who will be most likely to provid stablity. During geneforge 3 rebel ending you see hints of servils and drakons not geting along. Drayks may be envyious of drakon power. Gazers have their own cult/cast. Will drakons be will to hand over their athourity. If the rebels do win I find it very likely that they will fracture. Their goals and rules are design from and for overthrowing stabilty not stablity it self. Shapers has been developing their laws for centuries even possibly millenia for stabilty. Also ingame shows that creations (esspically expermental creations) and modify humans have unstable tendencies. I choose shapers becuase if I show them loyalty all I have to worry about is the enemy and not as much with internal politics. In geneforge 2 you have kill a errant rebel leader who goes power hungry. If the shapers win you will get a life closely controled by the shaper council. Join the rebels get a knife in your back.

    The only group that had a moral reason was the awakaned and apparently your enemies don't care if your right or not. Personaly I'm not going to create something that will come back to haunt me or if I can't sell it or it serves me in some way.

  8. what you say is true but you forget logisticas. It takes a lot of resources to make one. Which to make it quickly you have to bring in resources from a city and hope know one discovers the caravans (which would need to travel far). The other option is to develop a city on the spot which took decades in the case of G2 even then you had to bring in resources from outside under the guise of trying to slavage a failed colony. In G3 they had been building up in secert from some time on the Ile of Spears. So your two option are too gather resources quickly and try to complete before anyone realizes what you are doing or build it slowly and hope no one stumbles in on it. Either case it is a logistical nightmare to build something much more so to hide that something that uses up some much resources.

  9. You forget that geneforges are not easy to make. Remember all the stuff you had to go through in G2 to finsh it. Then keep in mind that they were close to being finshed. Plus powerful shaping can be sensed by experince shapers from very far away, remeber sharon from G2 when you ask her did if she knew any thing about the illegal shaping experiments and she says something about senseing powerful shaping very far away. The Drakon leader (forgot his name) though he said they where working on others he also said they where hard to make. Also next to every geneforge complex is a huge seruous of vats with organge poisonis liquid in it, and huge power stations. Any enemy with half a brain cell will know your making something that will do him/she/it great harm.

  10. My idea is teleportation spells. Their be a short range teleportations spell that would only teleport you in your PC or creation line of sight (not commrades).

    For long range (another area) teleportation you would need to use a teleportation pad or have a teleporation buoy. If you use a teleportation pad you could only teleport to another teleportation pad. Useing the teleportation pad would not require knowing any spell or use any essnces (this would be provided by who are what ran the teleporation pad). A teleportation buoy would be a creation you have to shape, it have almost no attack and health. You go to the area you wanted to then have it take root. Next time you use your long range teleportation spell it will ask you what buoy, in the form of a map, you want to teleport to.

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