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Posts posted by Zummi

  1. If all else fails, combat drop(choose to end combat mid-fight and this gets you one free turn to do a "support" action(heal, buff)). It's pretty much cheating but hey, Torment is torment. It's better in the remake remakes since you can still do this regardless of turn order against enemies.


    Edit: Doesn't work on outside encounters though.

  2. I have killed him, alone, in his caverns, on Hard. The trick was to position him like so: http://imgur.com/p63bacg


    Easiest routes to do this was to either let him track you up to the northwest entrance to the inner caverns, then go in so he runs out and go to the spot or bait him using a circle AoE attack. Once you get him to that spot, move one box to the left ( http://imgur.com/RYEqBpz ).


    Now the trick is you spam other circle AoE attacks right just by him. My initial plan was to let a Salamander summon tank and draw aggro but when Vardy gets down to 60% HP, he does this roar attack that stuns you and controls your summons. I tried the fight again with the mental cure scarab, but the range was limited and Vardy regenerated damage during the pauses. With the trick, you'll only take damage from his single target fire stream and the big AoE one, both doing lesser damage than the cone (though sometimes the circle AoE does slightly more than the cone) and he only does one per turn. Using the position my Shaman was at in the first image, you can also attack him using ranged weapons and he wont attack you back but be careful when he's near 80% HP. Lower than that, Vardegras rages and goes for you.


    My Shaman only had the Spirit Claw AoE thing and Poison/Acid Mist as my available AoE attacks so I burned through 22 recharge potions. If there are scarabs that gives circle AoE spells, they'll help but as far as I know, they're all cone AoE.

  3. Vardy can die on the first encounter. His attacks never change from the single, cone, circle AoE fire ones but he does this roar attack that stuns you for around 1-2 rounds. As long as he focuses on your newt, you can probably survive the last one and with patience, completely felling him on the first meeting is attainable.

  4. Juuuuuuust curious. If you tank Vardegras with a Shammy Salamander, does he change his attack or will he keep spamming his fire attacks?


    Edit: Just tested it, Vardy doesnt change attacks. He WILL still spam his fire attacks on the Salamander. Could this change the encounter a bit? Juggling aggro when the summon goes away could be a pain, could be mitigated with a Major Summon or something. I'll probably have a Blademaster taking the heat from the golems and the horrors. Utility specc'd Blademaster could be useful.

  5. From what Zummi posted, I understand the pets whttile down enemy health without being hit themselves. Which sounds like a glitch and thus an exploit. Unless I read it wrong.

    No, you got it correct. First time I encountered this was in Silvar, in the quest to clear it's sewers from worms and whatever's spawning them. The nephil boss was too much for a level 4 singleton in Torment. I did this, hopefully wittling down the boss' HP a bit but wasn't expecting him to get down to half health.

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