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Everything posted by Miguel

  1. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally written by Mister Fox: An interesting side quest could be a temporal rift or something of the like that sends the party to an alternate dimension (possibly Exile, with its minute differences from Avernum) with old-school 2D graphics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That would be so awsome. Espically for the fans of old exile. But, I understand that it wouldn't make sense to does that arn't familar about Exile.
  2. I do remember in avernum 3 there would be a place where these soldiers would tell you to keep your items there and it wouldn't disappear. I got to get further in the game to see if there's the same thing.
  3. In lair Motrax, the three golems, kill the right one, he holds and emerald. And second thing I wanna ask is if you guys new a place where we can stash our weapons like geneforge 3.
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